sandy graduation mis-sizes pajama party tree marble
21-06-20 16:18

Who won’t wear his new pajamas? (And why?) Did Dan ‘let’ Tiger play in the sand? Of course he did, but who let Tiger bring sand into Nazy’s car? What year does the Safavi Family Tree start? Did it take Nazy longer than that to complete the watercolor depiction? How did the video Kindergarten graduation go? To mask or not to mask? Is that a question?
Tie dyed family trees are composting in the garage
14-06-20 17:06

Will Dan have a place in Nazy’s Family Tree? Would it have helped if Dan’s surname was the same as Nazy’s maiden name? And if so, would the tree’s roots be hopeless entangled? Why does chocolate ice cream tend to melt faster than rainbow sherbet? Will Nazy remember how to tie dye tee shirts? Is anyone brave enough to ‘clean the garage’ — again? Who is this month’s recipient of the Birthday Zoom call? Read More...
Flower watering with marbles, mazes, masks and mobility
24-05-20 09:35

Who are you going to call when the blooming flowers need to be watered? Gardensplashers! How well will Azelle uphold water can traditions established by Tiger and Arrow? Can Arrow match Nazy’s big hat panache? How many soap bubbles can Tom launch from his balcony while simultaneously wrestling with Azelle? Who can build the highest marble maze? And what’s the future of the self-serve salad bar?
Neptune squashes coronas as Tiger zeros in on Nazy’s tree
21-05-20 17:29

What does Tiger want to be ‘when he grows up’? What’s his proposal for “Corona Virus Squashing”? (And why does it involve a hose from Neptune?) When Azelle joins the circus, will she be an escape artist or a trapeze performer? How is Arrow doing with his ‘wizard counting’ project? Does Auriane need help eating? Or, more specifically, will Auriane countenance any help when it comes to food? What do you do when you family tree needs a, eh, graft? Read More...
rainbow connection in tidy, watery pajama party sleepover
16-05-20 11:55

Will Tiger and Arrow ‘get’The Rainbow Connection? Why does Dan need to check his Pajama inventory? Does everything associated with water leak? Everything? Does Azelle really find and hide lock picks and other break in — or more specifically — break out equipment? Who choose the official animal of the Covid-19 pandemic? (And what was the selection?) Was The Martin Family hoarding? Read More...
Vacuum seals vie with mentos, cola and red tail hawks
07-05-20 08:07

Why would Nazy ask (gasp!) Dan for help cooking Persian rice? And why did Dan’s suggestion — a suggestion that involved using the freezer — turn out to be appropriate? How can a substitute kindergarten science teacher spice up science class? Hint: think Diet Coke and Mentos. What apocalyptic event caused The Martin Family to discard an unused roll of precious toilet paper? How much do Nazy’s eye drops cost — without insurance? Who reads upside down? And who is learning to stand up? Read More...
Blameless Rainy Cakes and Bunnies with Eggs and Lime
28-04-20 15:26

Was the Easter Bunny able to visit during the stay at home order? What did Azelle think of a 6 foot high Easter Bunny with a head the size of the globe at the 1964 World’s Fair in NYC? Was the same Easter Bunny able to visit Bellingham, Washington? How many brown bags does it take to hold ‘a few limes’ and a ‘small sack of cashews’?And how many pounds (kilos? tons?) will said sack(s) weigh? And who made the giant mess in Melika’s kitchen? (And who got blamed?) Read More...
Sweepstakes. volcanic ravioli, India Ink and Family Tree
22-04-20 08:53

What are the chances of winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes? (Hint: What’s the population of Planet Earth?) How did a can of Chef Boyardee Ravoli trigger a volcanic interest — a deep and abiding interest — for three-year old Arrow? Why is the center of the Earth hot? And why doesn’t gravity pull magma down? Who is painting a Family Tree? And how will that painting be — if the first entry was born in the 600’s? Read More...
Zoom enables Socially Distant Birthdays
12-04-20 17:24

How many days are there in March? Is that number fixed or does COVID19 make changes? Will Dan be able to find the ingredients and skills necessary to bake a cake for Nazy’s birthday? Hint: ‘Yes’ to one half of the question. Does Dan know how to turn on the oven? More to the point, does Dan know what an oven is? How will Zoom, PowerPoint and Play Doh help the celebration? Read More...
savor romantic sunlight reflecting off aluminum tp shelves
05-04-20 12:21

Will March, 2020 ever end? Isn’t it nice, in this hustle and bustle world, that you are able to find time to spend with the family? Did anyone mention ‘quality time’? Who would think that corn starch is a suitable replacement for powder sugar? Or kumquats for zucchini? When will our toilet paper order be delivered? How well does Zoom work for birthdays? is it possible to find a worse time to break a foot? Read More...
Persian year 1399 delivers new normal challenges
25-03-20 22:27

Did you know that the planet just began the year 1399 under the Persian Calendar? Is it true that the Plague arrived in 1399? How many families with small children will look back on this year as an opportunity? Did anybody get locked outside during the ‘stay at home’ order? Why is Arrow enamored with Volcanos? And — in these troubled times — please be careful, wash your hands and stay socially distant. And if you want a fun view, check out “make them laugh” from Singin’ in the Rain. Read More...