stone soup slides into jumping and viral corona wall
16-03-20 17:37

Can a serious lyricist handle a musical based on ‘Stone Soup’? Can a kindergarten class perform the musical with aplomb? Will the performance take place before the kindergarten, school, city, state and country are locked down? Why does everyone want to have a pristine butt before they go to the hospital? When designing an idiot proof system, is it possible to underestimate the ingenuity of idiots?
iPhone crawls out of ranch dressing puddle
23-05-19 18:39

Is an iPhone that has been submerged in a bowl of ranch dressing covered under warranty? (Would it have been covered if the dressing was Bleu Cheese? How could a physician miss the difference between a nose and an ear? How can Arrow drive a car through a car wash at MyGym? Can Dan trick Tiger into a water safety course? Who enjoyed a great performance of Les Miserables? Read More...