madam python tricks Kate’s flowerless Geranium Named Jeff

Are Dan and Nazy ready for the sophisticated humor of Monty Python? (In an outdoor theatre?) Can Madame Ganna drive her Lotus in Montecito, California? How do Kate (the Princess plant) and Jeff (the Germanium) react to fertilizer and water? (And what if it’s too much of both?) Is there an airline that doesn’t require cabin staff to have known the Wright brothers personally? How was Dan (boarding group 5) able to be the first person on the airplane?
and the Evening and the morning were the third Day

Could a consummate Tango Dancer rescue Dan from the floor of the Denver Airport? Did the gate agent convince Dan that moving from an aisle seat in the last row to a middle seat in the next to last row was an upgrade? Was Dan’s experience part of a nefarious plan? (Or was it simple incompetence?) Did he get home? Did his luggage make it to Santa Barbara?
Read More...Dullest airport strafes magellan’s straight flushed Trip

Can Dan escape the sensory deprivation tank at the Dullest International Airport in the world? Who’s trip was worse: Ferdinand Magellan? Dan Martin? (Hint: Dan ‘traveled’ on a airline.) Which airport puts the runway and the terminal in different time-zones? Which airport puts the arrival and departure gates on different planets? Did Dan get home for his anniversary. Find answers to these and other burning questions on The Weekly Letter.
Halifax Crew Mutiny worse worse Than Taxed departure

Can an airline consistently deliver on it’s core competence (lengthy, slow moving queues) consistently and globally? The answer, of course, is “Yes” - provided Dan is ‘flying’. Will a 15 Franc lunch voucher buy a lunch? Will Dan’s trip to California enter recorded history alongside Shackleton and Antarctica, Custer and Little Big Horn, Charles and Diana, Nuclear Power and Tsunami?
Read More...Lugged Luggage and a pointless st*r

Was our return flight as problem-free as the Atlantic crossing of the Titanic? Why did queuing for a coffee latte result in tooth enamel collecting on Dan’s tongue? (Would you stand in line behind someone with blue hair and a walker? See Photo of Dan by the TSA Queue. Read More...