February 2018
Arithmetic Fingers can paint rainbows (and throw-up) shunning responsibility

What can you do when a subtraction problem requires more digits than fingers? (Pretend that you’re three years old.) How would you do it if you didn’t have a calculator? (Assume simple subtraction.) How important is creativity when it comes to naming your (finger) painting? Will Arrow remember who took his red ball at music class? And, if so, what will he do about it? How much progress has been made in cleaning up the mudslide? Note: Astonishingly, Dan has something good to say about the Federal Government. (Clearly some staff members are holdovers from the previous administration.) And why did a deranged pair of doves set up a nest at our front door? Read More...
Scheduling miscues impact First Brother, Local Consultant and Best Wife
18-02-18 12:26 Grandchildren,Family Humor

Why is it best to book the first flight out of small airport? Can anything go wrong when you follow this ‘best’ advice? What is the difference between being the ‘Big Brother’ and being the ‘First Brother’? Specifically, does this make Wednesday arrive before Tuesday? What’s the word for the slow-motion video exhibit at the Children’s Museum in Santa Barbara? And how does Arrow get the message across? What would you do if someone took your red ball?
Bradley and Pirates lose to exit-row Vancouver-based deficit hawks

Why isn’t the ‘ball’ in ‘football’ round? I.e. Why does the ball have ‘pointy’ ends? How many Super Bowl fans were routing for the Pirates? Or for Tom Bradley? Why would anyone cheerfully let people pass them in the TSA security line? (And will those people make it to their destination on time?) How did Nazy’s nostalgic trip down memory lane — specifically a visit to Vancouver — turn out? Who was able to persuade the family that it was a good idea to move from Knockmaroon Drive in Vancouver to Memorial Drive in Houston? (More accurately, who thinks that the family will ever forgive him?) Read More...
FISA-enabled rainless season feeds vegetarian giraffe named Michael

What do adult giraffes eat? And who feeds them? How does the Santa Barbara Farmers market add protein to lettuce? Do the suppliers at the market really grow or make everything that they sell? (Does anyone need a gluten-free piston for a 57’ Chevy?) How can Santa Barbara County be in the midst of a severe drought after devastating mudslides caused by excessive rain? More importantly, who is to blame for the rainless ‘rainy season’? Have the cranes come back to Mission Park? Read More...