January 2015
skid row’s falling branches vaccinate moon phase Watch

Who misplaced the passport office by 99 city blocks? (And who decided to drive those Wilshire Blvd blocks during rush hour?) Which illegal alien dropped branches on The Martin Family patio? Did Dan really replace the mechanical “watch of his dreams’ with an expensive quartz model? (And what does that have to do with buying a house?) And, how did Nazy contract Whooping Arm?
paper writing wizard with heavy passport wants Whale House
17-01-15 15:03 Family Humor,Darius

Who is a paper-writing wizard? (And is he responsible for the papers scattered all over the house?) Who has a passport too thick to fit in the overhead compartment? Can anything take longer and move slower than a Friday morning rush hour drive into Los Angeles? (Hint: it involves interaction with a governmental agency.) Would you consider living in “The Whale House”? Would you reconsider if the real estate agent was named Jonah? Read More...
Wildebeest with Glasses visits Mexico with mabel & Mortimer
11-01-15 09:06 Travel Humor,Darius

Dan flew to Newark (as in New Jersey) voluntarily. Why? Can anything go wrong? (Hint: Dan flew on United Airlines.) Who booked the wildebeest in the economy seating section? Did the airline treat Mabel and Morty appropriately? Why did Darius need his passport for a trip to San Diego? And, Dan claimed: “Tijuana is boring!” What happened to prove his point? Read More...
Roof-top camera found on La Cumbra New Year Lemon

What happens to a digital camera that is left on the roof of a car that is accelerating onto the freeway (in sport mode)? (And who left it there?) If you’re ready for sold food, does that mean you’re ready to taste lemons? What is more photogenic: the first set of (McDonalds) Golden Arches or the Golden Gate Bridge? Can Dan and Nazy convince the grand(est)son that it’s New Year in California when the Ball comes down in Times Square in New York? Read More...