August 2016
dregs, dross, debris and silver app store pink boyfriend

Who decided to empty THE STORAGE(in Melika’s driveway)? What company built the first App Store, called SofStore, (before the internet and apps existed)? What should be done with an international collection of Monopoly games (from every European country)? What are the overdue charges on a Blockbuster 1 week rental initialed in 1995? Who was ‘a’ boyfriend in The Boyfriend during High School? Why did Le Grand Hotel Inter-Continental (Paris) deliver “such disappointing news” to Mitra? (Hint: It had something to do with pink stuffed elephants.) Would you like to enjoy the beautiful smile of six week old Arrow? (By the way, I am at the left, with a striped coat and a leg up.) Read More...
sneaky chipmunks deal with rocking horse wagons and sideless cribs

Do Santa Barbara chipmunks have bushy black tails? (Or was the home invader a baby skunk?) Why was the family pterodactyl pulling a little red wagon? What should be done with Darius’ third grade paint-by-numbers coloring book? Is Tiger’s appraisal of Arrow’s skill set (‘he can only cry, poop, eat and sleep&rsquo

speechless incredulity stupefies Emirates blunder; United falls & cat meows

What event generated unprecedented stupefaction and speechless incredulity for The Martin Family in Santa Barbara, California? What major international airline bases its entire disaster recovery ‘plan’ on yellow sticky pads and magic markers? Is the ineptitude sufficient to dislodge United Airlines from a well-deserved and firmly entrenched position at the cellar of The Martin Family quality list? Why does the whole situation depends on a meowing cat? Does this week’s edition of The Weekly Letter actually include a picture of Dan with a bowtie and sideburns? Read More...
United Air flummoxed; anniversary luggage lost; tigers and arrows happy

Will United Airlines manage to complete a trifecta by stranding Dan in every city that connects to the Santa Barbara Airport. Hint:Will Dan ever learn to shun United Airlines? And, having seen Aladdin on Broadway, how would Dan use one of his wishes? (Hint: Think United Airlines.) Do Arrows and Tigers get along happily? Did Nazy share a (cheesecake) dessert with Dan on The Anniversary Dinner? Read More...