Labor (birth) Day scrapes meatball from Spaghetti
“… it’s my favorite holiday, Nazy.” I claimed.
“Your favorite?”
“Yes, it’s the only day of the year that I have to work. I get such a feeling of accomplishment when I labor and get something done.” I replied.
“You’re right about working one day of the year, Dan.”

“Or Labor Day could have something to do with childbirth.”
“On the other hand, if Labor Day had anything to do with childbirth, then everyone would have the same birthday.”
However, it’s not Labor Day yet: Tiger, still on summer vacation, will start kindergarten in early September. Arrow in contrast, has resumed his preschool sessions…
“ … without Tiger,” Nazy explained.
“How did that go?” I asked.
“He was very unhappy on the first day, but they’ve promoted him from Starfish to Shark class and now he’s happy. He’s the youngest in the class and the only one who knows how to read the clock.”
While Arrow goes to class, Tiger is honing his swimming and diving skills. Hs has also been taking a special painting course this week.
“What did you paint?” I asked.
“A landscape, Dan.” Tiger replied.
“I can’t wait to see the bulldozer, Tiger.”
“There’s no bulldozer.”
“Really? How did you scrape the land?”
“It’s landscape, Dan. Not land scrape. There is no bulldozer.”
“How did the bulldozer escape from your land escape?”
“And I heard that you also painted a water melon. What color did you paint it?”
In fact, both Tiger and Arrow enjoy painting and coloring.
Arrow, meanwhile enjoys his special visits to MyGym.
Azelle, busily exploring at our home, has discovered ‘The Gong’.
This week we also celebrated Azelle’s first birthday at Melika and Tom’s home. This celebration followed last week’s Unicorn Party in the park.
Azelle was somewhat less excited about her cake and party than Tiger and Arrow — both of whom kindly offered to help unwrap presents, blow out candles and eat birthday cake. Nazy made a “Birthday 1” cake.
I’ve also been teaching Arrow and Tiger the beauty and syntactic complexity of music from my era (and before). They like “On top of Spaghetti” and “Purple People Eater”. As they grow, I may introduce them to more complex and syntactic structure of lyrics in songs like “Witch Doctor - Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang” and ‘My Baby does the Hanky Panky.’.
Finally, I’m wondering how long it will take the noxious, spineless and clueless GOP legislators to rediscover the dangers of the deficit when “The Chosen One” gracelessly, (but thankfully) has left the White House.

“I’m guessing a nanosecond or two for the thought to cross their ‘minds’, Nazy.” I asserted. “It’s a short journey.”
“Very short, Dan.”
“When Republicans are running things, they give handouts to huge corporations and billionaires. But when the Democrats are running things, the GOP’s ‘fiscal responsibility’ gene flips state and suddenly, there is no money — so they want reduce social security and medicare.”
“It’s worse this time,” Nazy replied.
“I know. The country is running a million, eh, billion, eh trillion dollar deficit during a (self-declared) economic boom. Cleaning up the mess will be very hard. And that's just the problem caused by the supine, clueless Republican 'legislators'. The big danger is the deranged 'president' who is creating a recession, failing to build a wall, destroying American values and mentally deteriorating before our eyes."
"He said you shouldn't believe your eyes."
"I don't believe anything he says." I replied. "The biggest deficit in this administration the neuron count in the president's 'brain'." I thought.
For last week's letter, please click here
Meanwhile, in Lebanon, Darius is grabbling sleep when and where he can