exotic glass mermaids lost by aquarium lawyers
At the end of the last issue of The Weekly Letter, Nazy and I were in Bellingham, Washington — visiting new home owners (to be) and a family with two beautiful children (soon). Darius, Christiane and (the lovely) Leandra were, as usual, happy and welcoming. We stayed at the Fairhaven Village Inn, a short walk from Darius’ apartment…
“… a short walk through historical Fairhaven Village and it’s shops,” I thought as Nazy walked into an Artsy store (Renaissance Celebration) featuring hand made, one of a kind, glass art.
I found a colorful glass mermaid Christmas ornament and Nazy found a Helenite ring created from the ash of the Mt. St. Helens volcano. We purchased the ring and decided to think about the mermaid. But, just before we left, Nazy bought the mermaid too. We loaded the car and headed for the Seattle airport. We made good time and were on the shuttle to the airport…
“We have 11 items to keep track of Dan,” Nazy noted.
“Eleven items?”
“We’re checking one.”
“We are each allowed a carryon and a personal item, Nazy. I’d say we’re about 6 items over.”
“I’m counting coats and hats and…”
“ … mermaids,” I thought.
The flight was full, but smooth and on-time. Eschewing United Airlines in favor of Delta, we, as non-frequent (Delta) flyers, were relegated to the dark, stern stowage sections of the airplane. Upon landing, we fought our way out of our ‘seats’, and struggled with our carry-ons. Luckily, because it had taken so long to deplane, the luggage was waiting when we arrived. A short while later we were on the 405 heading toward Santa Barbara. Then: disaster
“I left the mermaid on the airplane!” Nazy exclaimed.
“You left something on the airplane?” I replied. “Thankfully I didn’t do it.” I thought.
Safely back home in California — where, contrary to noise from a pseudologistic poltroon, there are no riots. Astonishingly, the orange wonder has recently spoken some truth: There is electoral fraud — the GOP is trying to suppress qualified voters so that they can ‘win’ with a minority of the votes. There is fake news — the official government news outlet, Fox, makes things up on a daily basis — The facts: Democrats are not funding the ‘frightening’ caravan, Mexico is not going to pay for the (stupid) wall). There is danger from terrorists — not the bedraggled people 1000 miles away, but from right wing, white, Trump-pumped, radicals armed with GOP-supported firearms. The Republicans are against insurance for pre-existing conditions. The Democrats do not favor murder. Republicans, not Democrats, increased the deficit. There is incivility — and it starts with the ‘president’. It is disappointing that fear, insecurity and cowardice may make people forget what really has always made America great.
We returned home just in time for Halloween. The Adams Family home, you may recall, features a costume closet larger than Central Park. They were ready for Trick-or-Treating.

“That’s right. Great deals and they guarantee live delivery,” I replied. “If you’re at home when they arrive,” I thought as I reviewed my agenda.
I decided to test the website with a couple of semi-exotic fish. The ‘fishment’ arrived as promised and we were home to receive it.
“I was home to receive it,” Nazy interjects.

I was excited when I opened the packaging.
“Are they alive?” Nazy shouted.
“I think so,” I replied. “But I can’t tell if these are the fish we ordered.”
“Why not?”
“I need my magnifying glass,” I replied. “I need an electron microscope,” I thought. “These fish won’t last two minutes in this tank,” while proceeding to (stupidly) introduced them.
The Panda Loach lasted less than a second — a “good-natured community fish”, mistook the panda for lunch. Unfortunately, the luncheon snack taught the fish to eat my Neon Tetras — the school of 20 Neons is now down to one. Note to self: “Avoid aquariumfishsale.com."
While driving Tiger home this week, I asked him…
“Do you know the way home, Tiger?”
“Yes, I do.” He replied.
“Ah. Would you like to drive?”
“Dan!” Tiger replied. “I’m four years old.”
“Oh. I forgot. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be a lawyer.”
“A lawyer?”
“There are two kinds of lawyers Dan. Lawyers that work and police lawyers.”
“Really, what kind do you want to be?” I replied. “There are also lawyers that talk.” I thought.
“I want to be a lawyer like Mommy. She works.”
“Good plan,” I replied. “The talking lawyers might become Congressmen and that would shame the family,” I thought.

Tiger also got a professional haircut and shampoo this week.
And, finally, do not forget to vote this week — remembering that news is not fake just because it doesn’t praise the ‘president’.
“… a short walk through historical Fairhaven Village and it’s shops,” I thought as Nazy walked into an Artsy store (Renaissance Celebration) featuring hand made, one of a kind, glass art.
I found a colorful glass mermaid Christmas ornament and Nazy found a Helenite ring created from the ash of the Mt. St. Helens volcano. We purchased the ring and decided to think about the mermaid. But, just before we left, Nazy bought the mermaid too. We loaded the car and headed for the Seattle airport. We made good time and were on the shuttle to the airport…
“We have 11 items to keep track of Dan,” Nazy noted.
“Eleven items?”
“We’re checking one.”
“We are each allowed a carryon and a personal item, Nazy. I’d say we’re about 6 items over.”
“I’m counting coats and hats and…”
“ … mermaids,” I thought.
The flight was full, but smooth and on-time. Eschewing United Airlines in favor of Delta, we, as non-frequent (Delta) flyers, were relegated to the dark, stern stowage sections of the airplane. Upon landing, we fought our way out of our ‘seats’, and struggled with our carry-ons. Luckily, because it had taken so long to deplane, the luggage was waiting when we arrived. A short while later we were on the 405 heading toward Santa Barbara. Then: disaster
“I left the mermaid on the airplane!” Nazy exclaimed.
“You left something on the airplane?” I replied. “Thankfully I didn’t do it.” I thought.
Safely back home in California — where, contrary to noise from a pseudologistic poltroon, there are no riots. Astonishingly, the orange wonder has recently spoken some truth: There is electoral fraud — the GOP is trying to suppress qualified voters so that they can ‘win’ with a minority of the votes. There is fake news — the official government news outlet, Fox, makes things up on a daily basis — The facts: Democrats are not funding the ‘frightening’ caravan, Mexico is not going to pay for the (stupid) wall). There is danger from terrorists — not the bedraggled people 1000 miles away, but from right wing, white, Trump-pumped, radicals armed with GOP-supported firearms. The Republicans are against insurance for pre-existing conditions. The Democrats do not favor murder. Republicans, not Democrats, increased the deficit. There is incivility — and it starts with the ‘president’. It is disappointing that fear, insecurity and cowardice may make people forget what really has always made America great.
We returned home just in time for Halloween. The Adams Family home, you may recall, features a costume closet larger than Central Park. They were ready for Trick-or-Treating.
The Adams Family
Arrow, Tom, Tiger, Melika (back row)
(The amazing) Azelle (front row)
My office in our new home is now essentially complete. Somehow we figured out a way to get my huge Swiss desk inside (it involved lots of strong guys and a window). I’ve finally replaced the ‘reading chair’ that we gave away when we left Zurich. Pictures are on the wall. And a gargantuan aquarium is bubbling away.
We have a variety of carefully selected fish, but I saw some..
“…. really unusual ones on-line, Nazy!” I exclaimed.
“On-line? Live fish?”

“That’s right. Great deals and they guarantee live delivery,” I replied. “If you’re at home when they arrive,” I thought as I reviewed my agenda.
I decided to test the website with a couple of semi-exotic fish. The ‘fishment’ arrived as promised and we were home to receive it.
“I was home to receive it,” Nazy interjects.

I was excited when I opened the packaging.
“Are they alive?” Nazy shouted.
“I think so,” I replied. “But I can’t tell if these are the fish we ordered.”
“Why not?”
“I need my magnifying glass,” I replied. “I need an electron microscope,” I thought. “These fish won’t last two minutes in this tank,” while proceeding to (stupidly) introduced them.
The Panda Loach lasted less than a second — a “good-natured community fish”, mistook the panda for lunch. Unfortunately, the luncheon snack taught the fish to eat my Neon Tetras — the school of 20 Neons is now down to one. Note to self: “Avoid aquariumfishsale.com."
While driving Tiger home this week, I asked him…
“Do you know the way home, Tiger?”
“Yes, I do.” He replied.
“Ah. Would you like to drive?”
“Dan!” Tiger replied. “I’m four years old.”
“Oh. I forgot. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be a lawyer.”
“A lawyer?”
“There are two kinds of lawyers Dan. Lawyers that work and police lawyers.”
“Really, what kind do you want to be?” I replied. “There are also lawyers that talk.” I thought.
“I want to be a lawyer like Mommy. She works.”
“Good plan,” I replied. “The talking lawyers might become Congressmen and that would shame the family,” I thought.

Tiger also got a professional haircut and shampoo this week.
And, finally, do not forget to vote this week — remembering that news is not fake just because it doesn’t praise the ‘president’.
For last week's letter, please click here
Arrow Tiger Azelle
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