Orange (Pumpkins?) Flame Out with Toothless Batty Dragon
The Time had come
The Time was now
Donald J Trump
WILL go Now!
He will, but we (unfortunately) still have to wait until January, Several other interesting and fun things happened this week. It was a different Halloween because, while the children couldn’t safely trick or treat, the really scary Orange Monster kept traveling around the country spreading disease and hatred. Nazy and I responded by taking Tiger & Arrow to a special Halloween event at Lotusland, a non-profit botanical garden in Santa Barbara; Mitra had given us an annual family membership last Christmas. We dressed … eh, we costumed for the affair.
“You want me to go as a crayon?” I asked while Nazy put the costumes in the car.
(I wanted to be a royal blue crayon, but the only size that fit me was green.)
The gardens are spectacular and the docents had dressed in costumes appropriate for the event. There were spooky spiders and ghosts in every corner.
Unfortunately, Arrow stepped into a puddle …
“.. a puddle, Dan?” A reader interrupts. “It rained?”
Veracity aside: Arrow stepped into a fountain, got his shoe wet and wanted, in fact, insisted that ‘someone’ carry him from there on because: “My foot is wet.” Did I mention that Lotusland is very large? Moreover, elementary physics, learned at Georgia Tech, indicate that a child carried by an adult gains weight as carry duration increases.
Back in Bellingham, the Washington State Family (Darius, Christiane, Leandra and Auriane) also celebrated as the…

“… Batman Family, Dad.” Darius explained.
“Batman is a bit more mobile than a lime green crayon,” I thought. “Good choice,” I said.
Everybody was, of course, on pins and needles as we counted time down toward election day. It was a time of scary orange things like glowing Jack-O-Lanterns and unhinged ‘presidents’.
“I certainly hope that someone lights a candle under the Miserable Tweeter of Twitterdom,” I thought.
The Adams Family took advantage of beautiful weather to take a (seasonal) final beach house visit. We helped put finishing touches on a giant dragon sand sculpture. I also had a chance to practice my air guitar.
Arrow somehow managed to step on (and anger) a bee — which responded with a stinger. Azelle was sympathetic:
“Bad bee!” she exclaimed.
We were all very careful with Tiger because he had a dangling tooth. In fact, most of us were careful. I had a few suggestions:
“We could tie a rope around it and hook it the Tesla..”
“I have a hammer in the car..”

In the end, Nazy handed Tiger a dish towel and ..
“… the rest was history.” Nazy explained.
For last week's letter, please click here
The Sand Castle Dragon