free lunch singing bye bye on blue barbecue train
First, a very quick update on Arrow: he has recovered and is doing fine. He will go back to (pre)-school this week and will be visiting with medical people to identify ways to proactively prevent, or at least reduce the impact of, another asthma outbreak. I personally think that he had a very pampered week at home — and out for lunch and visiting the zoo. His favorite zoo exhibit is..
“.. the train, Dan.” Arrow said. “Can we ride the train?”
“That’s a great idea, Arrow,” I replied. “I like the yellow train.”
“They only have red and blue trains, Dan. My favorite is the blue train.”
“I hope they have the blue train today,” I replied. (And, they did.)

While Arrow has recovered from his experience in the ICU, It seems that internet bots and AI systems have put me on some questionable mailing list. I recently found a piece of paper mail— a giant postcard. Most of the text was in a 10 point font, but 2 lines were in a 24 point font. This meant that they joined The Great Wall and Dutch Greenhouses as the only things visible, with the naked eye, from the Moon.
“.. Free lunch?” Nazy asked. “Free lunch? To discuss cremation options.”
“Not my idea of a good entertainment for date night,” I replied. “Probably a barbecue,” I thought.
“Dan this is…”
“It’s not all bad, Nazy. Many companies are competing for my business. Look at this other mail piece.”

“Why, Dan is..”
“I think I must have made a typo about my age on some internet form,” I replied. “Or, perhaps, I mistakenly told the truth,” I thought.
In addition to having extra time with Arrow this week, I had a chance to take Azelle to music class. She really likes music — she knows and can create the music from ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ the beginning of ‘Bye Bye Miss America Pie’. So, she enjoys music class. She banging drums, playing piano and climbing.

While Arrow recovered from his asthma attack, Tiger continued his swimming lessons. He’s working on his strokes, breathing and diving. He also likes to try out the exercise bicycle. I’ve explained that he’s not exactly the right size for the device, but Tiger is undaunted.
This week, Nazy and I went to Tiger’s kindergarten school (Crane Country Day School) for Grandparents Day. We heard about the 90+ year history of the school and then toured the (very impressive) campus. We met (actually, re-met) Tiger’s teachers and saw him interact with his friends. We also admired his art work. He did painting, drawing and sculpture. Completely unbiased, Nazy and I agreed that Tiger’s stuff was ‘the best’.

My favorite was Tiger’s ‘Kissing Hand’ based on the book:
‘A Kissing Hand for Chester Racoon’ by Audrey Penn.
Nazy and I were very impressed with the things they are doing in kindergarten. The kids are learning a lot. None of them would fall for the ‘defense’ being presented for the ‘president’, a hubristic, thin-skinned, intolerant, ignorant little man who is afraid of anything different. Unfortunately he is skilled at removing Republican backbone, morals and conscience. Only Mitt seemed immune.
A couple of grandparent day photos below.
“.. the train, Dan.” Arrow said. “Can we ride the train?”
“That’s a great idea, Arrow,” I replied. “I like the yellow train.”
“They only have red and blue trains, Dan. My favorite is the blue train.”
“I hope they have the blue train today,” I replied. (And, they did.)
It’s been a transitional time for Arrow — in the last few months he has stopped using his pacifier and he has begun to wear his glasses. He’s a cheerful, happy little boy full of vim and vigor.
“Vim and vigor, Dan?” Nazy asked. “What’s vim?”
“Well, my dear, ‘vim’ means enthusiasm. I found it in the on-line thesaurus.
“It’s a great thesaurus. There is no other word for it, Nazy,” I replied.

While Arrow has recovered from his experience in the ICU, It seems that internet bots and AI systems have put me on some questionable mailing list. I recently found a piece of paper mail— a giant postcard. Most of the text was in a 10 point font, but 2 lines were in a 24 point font. This meant that they joined The Great Wall and Dutch Greenhouses as the only things visible, with the naked eye, from the Moon.
“.. Free lunch?” Nazy asked. “Free lunch? To discuss cremation options.”
“Not my idea of a good entertainment for date night,” I replied. “Probably a barbecue,” I thought.
“Dan this is…”
“It’s not all bad, Nazy. Many companies are competing for my business. Look at this other mail piece.”

“Why, Dan is..”
“I think I must have made a typo about my age on some internet form,” I replied. “Or, perhaps, I mistakenly told the truth,” I thought.
In addition to having extra time with Arrow this week, I had a chance to take Azelle to music class. She really likes music — she knows and can create the music from ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ the beginning of ‘Bye Bye Miss America Pie’. So, she enjoys music class. She banging drums, playing piano and climbing.
She also likes to ‘help’ (i.e. mess up) whatever Arrow and Tiger are doing. In the photo, she has helped by throwing all the brio train tracks out of the toy box. Arrow and Tiger are building the layout.

While Arrow recovered from his asthma attack, Tiger continued his swimming lessons. He’s working on his strokes, breathing and diving. He also likes to try out the exercise bicycle. I’ve explained that he’s not exactly the right size for the device, but Tiger is undaunted.
This week, Nazy and I went to Tiger’s kindergarten school (Crane Country Day School) for Grandparents Day. We heard about the 90+ year history of the school and then toured the (very impressive) campus. We met (actually, re-met) Tiger’s teachers and saw him interact with his friends. We also admired his art work. He did painting, drawing and sculpture. Completely unbiased, Nazy and I agreed that Tiger’s stuff was ‘the best’.

My favorite was Tiger’s ‘Kissing Hand’ based on the book:
‘A Kissing Hand for Chester Racoon’ by Audrey Penn.
Nazy and I were very impressed with the things they are doing in kindergarten. The kids are learning a lot. None of them would fall for the ‘defense’ being presented for the ‘president’, a hubristic, thin-skinned, intolerant, ignorant little man who is afraid of anything different. Unfortunately he is skilled at removing Republican backbone, morals and conscience. Only Mitt seemed immune.
A couple of grandparent day photos below.
For last week's letter, please click here
Tiger's Kissing Hand Art
Dan and Nazy at Grandparents Day (with Tiger)
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