Darth Cookie lures Luke Rainbow to Leia Solo Photo loss
It is a year that ancient, time-proven, Martin Family Christmas traditions were flaunted, flogged and ultimately ignored:
Note: For the first time since we got married, we did not open any presents at our house on Christmas Day. We’re waiting for Darius to arrive next year.
“I think we expel Darius from the family,” I explained. Reasonably.
“It is just a short delay,” Nazy claimed. Accurately but pointlessly.
“It’s the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back, Nazy. Last year, in a bridge far too far, Darius went on probation when he ate the last sugar cookie.”

“He didn’t know..”
“He knew, Nazy. He knew. It was a big sugar cookie. I had been saving that particular one. I even think that you encouraged him.”
“He asked if we had any left and I just..”
“…. didn’t think. Right? You just handed my sugar cookie to Darius.” I interrupted. “Thereby forfeiting any chance you had of entering heaven,” I thought.
“Dan, we are going to make..”
“There is no way to make it up.”
“That isn’t what I was gong to say, Dan. Mitra and I are going to make sugar cookies. We’re getting Star Wars cookie cutters.”
“Really? You’ll need a lot of black icing since you’ve gone to the Dark Side.”
“You are being childish.”
“And now, because Darius isn’t here, we didn’t even open any Christmas presents on Christmas morning. I got up early hoping to catch Santa at work, and he didn’t even come.”
“We are going to Melika’s we will open some presents there.”
That afternoon, we went to Melika’s where very many presents were opened. However, I noted…
“… some skew on the recipient list, Nazy,” I said as we drove home.
“All of the presents were for Tiger — the grand(est)son.”
“Are you complaining that an 18 month old baby got more presents than you?” Nazy asked.
“Of course not!” I replied — with a tear in my eye. “Well, ‘Yes’,” I thought,

Mitra and Stefan came up to Santa Barbara for Christmas. Mitra is staying the weekend; Stefan will spend his traditional Christmas camping in Joshua Tree National Park. Darius had a wonderful time in Lebanon with Christiane’s (and soon to be ‘his&rsquo
family. We’re looking forward to seeing him this week.
It may seem like no tradition was safe in this extraordinary year, but because we now live in California, we expected (and were treated to) traditional Christmas weather:
- For the first time since we got married, Nazy finished wrapping the Christmas presents before Christmas Day.
Note: For the first time since we got married, we did not open any presents at our house on Christmas Day. We’re waiting for Darius to arrive next year.
- For the first time in recent memory, we did not take a Christmas Day family photo. We’re waiting for Darius to arrive next year.
- For the first time in my entire life — ever —- no home-made Christmas cookies were prepared by Christmas Day. We waiting for Darius to arrive next year.
“I think we expel Darius from the family,” I explained. Reasonably.
“It is just a short delay,” Nazy claimed. Accurately but pointlessly.
“It’s the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back, Nazy. Last year, in a bridge far too far, Darius went on probation when he ate the last sugar cookie.”

“He didn’t know..”
“He knew, Nazy. He knew. It was a big sugar cookie. I had been saving that particular one. I even think that you encouraged him.”
“He asked if we had any left and I just..”
“…. didn’t think. Right? You just handed my sugar cookie to Darius.” I interrupted. “Thereby forfeiting any chance you had of entering heaven,” I thought.
“Dan, we are going to make..”
“There is no way to make it up.”
“That isn’t what I was gong to say, Dan. Mitra and I are going to make sugar cookies. We’re getting Star Wars cookie cutters.”
“Really? You’ll need a lot of black icing since you’ve gone to the Dark Side.”
“You are being childish.”
“And now, because Darius isn’t here, we didn’t even open any Christmas presents on Christmas morning. I got up early hoping to catch Santa at work, and he didn’t even come.”
“We are going to Melika’s we will open some presents there.”
That afternoon, we went to Melika’s where very many presents were opened. However, I noted…
“… some skew on the recipient list, Nazy,” I said as we drove home.
“All of the presents were for Tiger — the grand(est)son.”
“Are you complaining that an 18 month old baby got more presents than you?” Nazy asked.
“Of course not!” I replied — with a tear in my eye. “Well, ‘Yes’,” I thought,
Pending Darius’ Arrival, a family photo (with bubbles) from the Archive
Even though young Tiger didn’t completely grasp the concept, he was excited that he got the most stuff — including cars, books, tractors, a playhouse and an almost full-size bulldozer.

Mitra and Stefan came up to Santa Barbara for Christmas. Mitra is staying the weekend; Stefan will spend his traditional Christmas camping in Joshua Tree National Park. Darius had a wonderful time in Lebanon with Christiane’s (and soon to be ‘his&rsquo

It may seem like no tradition was safe in this extraordinary year, but because we now live in California, we expected (and were treated to) traditional Christmas weather:
For last week's letter, click here
Nazy, Tiger and Melika in Tiger's Playhouse
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