Auriane Lynn Martin rocks the stars with speedy Mom
“… we were having too much fun to focus on writing and publishing issues of The Weekly Letter,” Nazy asserts.
“Right as always, my dear,” I reply. “And we took so many pictures that it was impossible to upload, select and process anything on a timely basis,” I thought.
As a result, i resolved to catch up when we returned home. That project is underway, but I have not yet described Uluru and Kata Tjuta or New Zealand. Or even our second pass through Sydney. My documentary skills and talents were focused and..
“… nothing can change priorities, Nazy.” I explained. “I been so focused on our vacation that I haven’t even mentioned the scurrilous ignoramus who leads a party utterly lacking a concept of the public good: the GOP actually believes in a fantasy that the public good takes care of itself when the wealthiest private citizens and corporations pursue maximal profits for themselves. And I resume political commentary now.” I concluded. “Maybe I’ll begin a little bit,” I thought as I contemplated this exact paragraph.
But… Something BIG has happened and, as a result, this issue of The Weekly Letter will be published out of sequence with actual events! No more suspense: A new Martin granddaughter has arrived in Bellingham. Darius and Christiane are two proud parents of two beautiful girls.
Auriane Lynn Martin
Things began to develop with our arrival home. Our flight (Sydney to Canberra to Singapore to Tokyo to Los Angeles) was designed by a travel agent lacking any geography genes. Well — and by a traveler who had access to a huge number of miles for ANA business class flights.
We arrived at LAX on-time, spent the usual 30 minutes on the tarmac waiting for a gate but, courtesy of our Global Entry cards, breezed through immigration procedures. We ..
“… are just in time to catch the Airbus to Santa Barbara, Nazy!” I exclaimed as we dashed toward the pick-up lane in front of the Tom Bradley International Terminal. Then I received a text:
I called the Airbus company and was told that the bus was already at Terminal 4. Nazy and I, with 4 large suitcases, four heavy carry-ons, two hats and two unwieldy luggage carts, “sprinted” toward Terminal 4.
As you have undoubtedly guessed, by the time we arrived, the Airbus was at Terminal 5. It also refused to come back around for us. So, after 30 hours en route, Airbus wanted us to cool our heels for another three hours. We retreated to Starbucks..
“I know that LAX is bubbling over with scintillating, effervescent fun, Nazy,” I began. “But..”
“… I’d rather be home.”
“Me too.” I replied as I extracted my iPhone and booked a rental car. I left it to Nazy to negotiate an Airbus refund.
We were about ten miles from home when we caught up with the Airbus that had abandoned us. I fought the urge to, well give them the … well, let’s just say that Nazy held my hand, or more accurately, my finger as we drove by.
While Nazy and I were in Australia, we had regular contact with Darius and Family in Bellingham, Washington. That family was expanding. I…
“… specifically asked Christiane to ‘hold off’ delivery until we get back…,” I explained to Nazy.
“I’m sure she took that to heart,” Nazy replied. “I’d like the baby to be born on my birthday,” Nazy thought.
“ … and it worked.” I concluded. “We’re back and the baby has not yet arrived.”
“Not yet.” Nazy replied. “I hope,” Nazy thought.
We called Darius who claimed that everything was fine: their doctor said that she “Did not think tbirth was imminent.” Nazy booked a flight to Bellingham for the weekend — two days away.
We stopped at Nirvana, Melika and Tom’s house, to see the local grandchildren. Tiger and Arrow were overjoyed to see us. Arrow was so excited to see Nazy that he couldn’t stop shouting “Hi!”. And Azelle had learned to crawl while we were gone. We shared some gifts: in addition to some puzzles (they love puzzles) we got tee shirts from the New Zealand All-Blacks.
Back at our home, Nazy and I, who had lost an entire Tuesday on the way to Australia, had lived through an endless Wednesday not the way home. (The International Date Line will do that to you.) We slept. We slept a l o n g time. We slept and then, on Friday morning, a few minutes after 9AM,we got a call from Bellingham.
“We’re heading to the hospital, Dad,” Darius said. “Christiane says the contractions are the right time apart.”
“Good news!” I replied. “How is Christiane?”
We spoke with both of them and received assurances that all was well. I reminded them that Nazy would be in Bellingham shortly. I reminded Nazy that…
“… these things take time, my dear.”
“Really, Dan?” Nazy replied. “What do you know about it?” Nazy thought.

We started breakfast with Mitra, who was visiting. And then the phone rang.
“Auriane has arrived!” Darius exclaimed.
“The baby is born!” Nazy shouted.
“It’s only noon!” I replied. “Did they make it to the hospital in time?” I thought.
“The baby arrived before either the anesthesiologist or the doctor showed up. The nurses handled the delivery.”
“Is everybody okay?” I interjected.
“Well I’m a bit shaken,” Darius replied.
“And the baby? And Christiane?”

“The baby is fine. Christiane is a rock star. It was very intense.”
We spoke with Christiane shore time later (in retrospect, a very short time later). She looked great and the baby girl was beautiful.
“Auriane is less than a day old, Dan,” Nazy commented. “And she already has more hair than you.”
“Ha ha.” I replied. “A fossil dinosaur egg 65,000,000 years old has more hair than me,” I thought, with hair-raising intensity.
Nazy made it to Bellingham the next day, the same day that Christiane and Auriane Lynn Martin came home. (The Lovely) Leandra was learning that change was afoot in the Trickle Creek Boulevard estate in Bellingham.
Mitra, who had a previously scheduled business trip to Seattle, was also able to join the welcoming crew. I am going to fly up to see Auriane (and Darius, Christiane and Leandra) this week.
More photos follow:
For last week's letter, please click here.
The Expanded Martin Family
(Bellingham Contingent)
Mitra and Auriane
(The Lovely) Leandra