Azelle notes Musth Aromatics, Arrow’s six packs and Tiger’s Beard

“ … this, like many things going on in the country right now, is a very bad idea.”
When shampoo (Johnson’s Baby formula) was added to the mix, Arrow was even more annoyed. And then Nazy plucked him from the tub, stood him next to the sink and began rubbing moisturizer on his sixpack.
“This is so undignified,” Arrow thought.
“Wasn’t that fun?” Nazy asked, rhetorically.
“Fun?” Arrow thought.
“And now we put on your PJs and go to bed.” Nazy continued.
“No!” Arrow replied, loudly, confidently and accurately.

He wanted to read more books, drink from a bigger bottle, get longer songs, feed the fish, play with his marbles..
“If he doesn’t go to sleep soon, I’m going to lose my marbles, Nazy,” I concluded.
(Aside: The bathtub is not Arrow’s favorite water venue — he prefers the swimming pool.)
In contrast, Tiger was having a great time in the tub. Nazy was generous with bubble bath and Tiger saw a chance to emulate his grandfather….
“He’s got my beard, Nazy!” I crowed.
“But you don’t have his hair,” Nazy replied, succinctly.

“She’s been gaining about half a pound a week,” Melika claimed.
To put that in perspective, she was about 6½ pounds when she was born, so percentagewise, she’s growing at a rate of about 7.5%/week. Or, alternatively, if I were gaining weight at that rate, I’d be packing an additional 12 (or so) pounds/week. (Nazy, slimmer and more fit, would be gaining about 7 pounds/week.)
Azelle is not only gaining weight, she’s also becoming more alert. She can hold up her head. She smiles. She chortles. She makes her grandfather smile.
While I was flying back from a recent trip, I read an article that challenged a wine reviewer to write a description of a bad wine. The author had tried with:
The sparking “wine” tasted like aspirin (St. Joseph, baby size and orange flavored) dropped into a glass of Alka Seltzer.
The specialist was even more creative:
This ‘red wine’ has redefined the meaning of ‘rough red’. The aromas (more appropriately ‘odors&rsquo were weedy, immature and bruised. The appearance was dull, murky and brick red. Structurally, the wine was but a husk. I don’t think this wine will actually make you ill — although never say never.
In the interest of science, I bought a bottle of $1.99 ‘red’ ‘wine’ and tried to come up with a review: This reddish wine, a recent (Thursday) vintage, features a metallic aftertaste reminiscent of Robitussin (DM). Aromatically, it exuded the subtly of an elephant in musth. Texture-wise, it grated on the teeth. I’m not sure how this wine will react in a human digestive system since it’s acidic eucalyptus flavor made it impossible to swallow.

And, finally, it’s been a while since I’ve commented on the vile occupant of the executive mansion. His self-centered total lack of empathy and his unrelenting cruelty have been forgiven by backbone-challenged Republican legislators who are willing to trade civility and principal for a Supreme Court Justice (or two) and a ..
“…. booming economy.”
A quick reminder. The economy may be booming now — but so is the Republican created deficit. At this point in a recovery, the deficit should be gone or rapidly shrinking. Instead, it’s increasing because the GOP doesn’t understand that a deficit occurs when outgo is more than the income. Their plan is to cut income — while increasing outgo. When this recovery ends — and it will end — the current administration’s gargantuan deficits and flawed policy will make it difficult to meet the challenge. Following the historical model (Reagan, Bush, Bush II) the Democrats will have to come in to clean up the mess. The touted economy will not last.
Vote in the mid-terms… and read about the Trump Deficit.
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