snickering candy bars off-handedly tempt Horatio Nelson
Flashback, Georgia Tech
I wanted to impress a delightful and beautiful young Persian grad student, so I pulled out my Tm Swifty jokes: “I have 40 cavities, Tom said, Crest-fallen.” Unfortunately, my wit failed to excite my date. In fact, back at the dorm, the young lady, named Nazy, asked her roommate to explain the joke. “...I have 40 cavities, Tom said. It doesn’t seem funny to me.”
End Flashback
Note: this issue contains photos of Mitra .. continuing the theme of the last few editions.
Mitra, 1976
Persian New Year arrives on the first day of Spring - which will occur at 9:47AM (Pacific Time) on March 20 this year. Naturally we wanted to prepare..
“In order to be prepared for the celebration, Nazy, we need to spring into action.” I said readily.
“We have to get the ingredients for the Persian New Year’s table,” Nazy replied. Sighing.
“Of course, my dear, we need the seven sacred symbols,” I said. Alliteratively.
The New Year Table contains items that begin with the Persian letter ‘S’. Although Nazy has explained the rationale for each item on the table, I don’t recall hearing an explanation about the choice of the letter ‘S’. Naturally Nazy has also shared memories of her celebrations and times in her homeland:
“Daddy was an Admiral,” she recounted fleetingly. He loved the New Year table which contains special Persian herbs and spices..”
“I know,” I agreed sagely,
“.. and some symbolic money..”
“... which should be kept in the bank,” I said with interest.
“... eggs..”
“Of course!” I cackled.
“... goldfish..”
“Will a crustacean do?” I snapped. Crabbily.
“... greens..”
“How about evergreens?” I opined.
“... sweets...”
“Can we use candy bars?” I snickered.
Mitra 1984
Not only did Nazy share memories of her celebrations and times in her homeland, she recounted: “Our own family, Dan. We always have such fun together.”
“I know. I really liked our time in The Netherlands,” I said flatly. “And the cat was happy,” I continued purposefully.
“You have the right to remain silent.” Nazy said arrestingly.
“Don’t you remember when we spotted that leopard in South Africa?”
“Yes! You always take too many photos.” Nazy snapped.
“And when I fell in Paris river?” I recalled insanely.
“Yes, what was the name of that street?” Nazy asked ruefully.
“... trying to learn German in Switzerland..”
“Eins, Zwei, Drei, Funf,” Nazy interrupted fearlessly.
“Well done!” I asserted basking with pride. “Besides, I like Germany. It’s my gut reaction.”
“Those ‘jokes’ are not funny,” Nazy exclaimed humorously.
“Remember Heidelberg when we couldn’t figure out how to get into the castle,’ I emoted.
“Wasn’t that Heisenberg?” Nazy asked uncertainly.
Now, of course, we’re enjoying California. Nazy and I were, in fact, discussing that very topic.
“I’m very happy in Santa Barbara,” Nazy began dryly. “Tom and Melika live here too.”
I waited expectantly during a pregnant pause.
“They have a house with a fish pond,” Nazy coyly continued.
“Yes, my lamb,” I sheepishly replied.
“There are plenty of things to do here. Lot’s of restaurants..”
“I know. I love the tuna at the Boathouse,” I said, superficially. “But sometimes it takes a long time to get a table,” I continued unreservedly.
“I prefer the shellfish,” Nazy noted crabbily. “And we can take boats to see the cetaceans.”
“Ah, but my harpoon is in storage,” I wailed.
“Dan! We saw the whales,” Nazy spouted.
“The weather here is great. It’s so cold in Zurich,” I continued icily.
“So cold, we might as well have been dead.” Nazy croaked.
“Bingo!” I agreed winningly.
“Living here is like striking oil,” Nazy gushed.
“I see,” I suddenly realized.

“Don’t forget that we’re going to the symphony on Sunday,” Nazy chimed.
“As long as they don’t play Hungarian music,” I replied listlessly.
Thinking about our new home, I was reminded of minor problems. Environmental concerns (or landlord cheapness) meant that ..
“We have plumbing problems again!” Nazy piped up.
“Don’t worry. I unclogged the sink with the vacuum cleaner.” I replied succinctly.

P.S. Historical Tom Swifies:
“You shouldn’t have told them to eat cake,” he said as he headed off.
“I’m convinced that the Nile campaign will be successful, Admiral Nelson,” he said disarmingly.