Grand Mothers (to be) days balance please go now desk
Later, we went out for dinner and Mitra/Stefan drove up to help celebrate. My sister Wendy’s daughter Jennifer is also visiting. The Martin Family celebrated not only Mother’s Day (Melika and Nazy), but also Grand Mother’s Day (Nazy, a dual celebrant) and Mothers To Be Day (Christiane, expecting in less than a month). This edition of The Weekly Letter will include several photos of Nazy with the family.
Where there are mothers, there are children and, often, grandchildren. The newest grand(est)son, Arrow, who has just learned to crawl, is now enamored with the idea of standing and walking. It is..
… I explained to him “Important that you achieve a mastery of balance before you try to walk.”
“Balance? What’s that?” Arrow thought as he face planted on the hardwood floor.
“It’s a prerequisite,” I patiently continued. “If you don’t. you’ll… Ouch. Did that hurt?”

“It doesn’t look hard when everyone else does it,” Arrow thought — through his tears. “Whaaaa,” Arrow said, followed by a clearly articulated: “Bawwww.”
“It’s all right,” I said, picking him up. “I wonder if he doesn’t understand or if he’s just ignoring me?” I thought.
“All Right?” Arrow thought. “Is this man even qualified to be a grandfather?”
Spinning it somewhat differently — Arrow is not easily deterred by adversity. After every face plant, he pulls himself together and tries again. It’s beauty to behold unparalleled determination. On the other hand, bruises on his face make him look like a palooka after a bout with an enraged kangaroo.

While Arrow strives to conquer walking, Tiger appears to (mostly) believe that Melika won’t send him back. (But he told Melika that she should put “Arrow back in your tummy and leave him there”. Or, if that won’t work, “we can just find another house for him to live in”.
Aware of the impracticality of this solution, I decided that it was time to teach Tiger to read.
“He’s ready,” I thought. “He’s already memorized all of his books.”
“Read?” Tiger thought. “Not necessary! I’ve already memorized all of my books.”
I knew he was ready because Tiger ‘reads’ STOP signs, his name and my name. He knows that letters combine to make words and he wants me to tell him what the words ‘say’. He loves typing the alphabet on my computer (in blue). So, he was clearly ready.
I wanted to start with something simple, but still meaningful — “Something Dr. Seuss-ish,” I thought.
Donald J. Trump will you please go now!
The time has come.
The time is now.
Just go. Go. Go!
I don't care how.
But, because I was afraid that I’d frighten the lad, I switched to another Dr. Suess book: Hop on Pop.

Since we returned to the USA, Nazy has transitioned her technology platform from PC to iPhone. (We couldn’t find her old HP Laptop when the truck arrived. We suspect that it is inside a box that is inside a storage facility that is hidden somewhere near Anaheim.) We got her a replacement iMac desktop computer which has been dormant for a few years because we were never able to provide a suitable desktop. And, for some silly reason, Nazy refused to use the iMac in floor-top mode.
For her birthday, I bought a desk. And, as an experienced expert in husband-related duties, I conferred with my lovely wife before making the purchase decision. When Blick Art supplies delivered the desk (in a large box), I dutifully put it together. But..
“The one I wanted had an attached set of drawers.” Nazy noted when I finished.
“I’m sure that will come in another box.” I replied. Hopefully.
“And this one has a leather surface..”

“ .. a lovely leather surface, my dear.”
“The leather has a dent and the one I asked for had a glass writing surface. I cannot paint watercolors on leather.”
“I’m sure you can. You are exceptionally talented.” I replied as a sinking feeling took root in my gut.
“You bought the wrong thing!” Nazy replied. “Again.” Nazy thought.
“Ah..” I replied. Articulately.
“And the leather is damaged.” Nazy concluded.
Over the next couple of weeks, Nazy called the supplier, got agreement for (first) a replacement and (then) a refund. She determined that (surprise!) when I made the order, I had inadvertently replaced a ‘5’ in the part number with a ‘6’. She marveled that the 12 digit part number with the ‘5’ was also valid and represented a desk. (It could have been a toilet plunger.) Nazy formed a warm friendship with Tiffany, the Blick customer service manager. And she discovered that..
“I kind of like this desk, Dan.” She told me.
“But it is damaged,” I replied cautiously and expecting a trap.
“The dent has disappeared, Dan. This will do very nicely.”
“Always happy to get exactly what you want, my sweet.”
“Don’t press your luck, Dan.” Nazy concluded.
For last week's letter, click here
My Mom and Melika