Sunny dew on one-hand forehand word count birthday
25-07-19 15:30 Grandchildren,Family
Astronomically speaking, summer arrived several weeks ago. Weather-wise, the arrival, like a United Airlines flight, was delayed. May was gray and June was gloomy. The ‘marine layer’, which is fog drifting in from the ocean, was so thick that dew formed. (Dew actually accounted for all of the June ‘precipitation’.) The sun eventually caused the fog to retreat, but usually late in the day. Now, finally, the days are turning sunny and ..
“… unpleasantly warm,” I complained.
“But not at night,” Nazy countered.
“I’m not outside at night,” I replied.
Surprisingly, the wet winter and spring resulted in a dangerous environment. When the abundant wildflowers and grasses dry out, they turn into fuel for brush fires. The dry vegetation causes the fires to spread rapidly.
On the theme of moving rapidly, Darius and Christiane will be leaving for a summer visit to Lebanon. They will see family, have a Christening Service for Auriane and generally enjoy themselves. Nazy is heading to Bellingham to ‘ooh and ah’ before the trip.

Tiger is continuing his tennis lessons. While driving home, he was explaining…
“… you use one hand for the forehand and two hands on the backhand.”
“I thought you needed four hands for the fourhand,” I replied.
“No, Dan. It’s not..”
“So you need two people to do a fourhand stroke.”
“We should call it the fronthand and backhand.” Tiger replied.
Melika took Tiger to the doctor for his 5 year check-up. He is fine, but he ..
“Did NOT want to get his vaccination.” Melika informed me.
“Maybe he heard about ill-informed concerns of disgraced vaccination deniers,” I replied.
“He was so upset that he bit his own lip, Dad.”
“I don’t think he wanted the shot.” I replied, relying on my vast parental experience.
“No shot, Sherlock.” Melika replied.
Tiger and Arrow are enjoying the summer vacation. Tiger’s new school sent him a summer reading list and a “reading challenge”. They want the incoming kindergarten class to read 1000 pages before classes start.

“So we are reading Charlotte’s Web, Dan,” Tiger exclaimed.
“Great book,” I replied. “If you had a ‘number of words’ challenge, it would be a wonderful choice.” I thought. “Would you like to read Marvin K. Mooney with me and Arrow? It’s 36 pages!”
“If we just read it 28 times, we’ll have 1000 pages,” I thought.
I found a four generation photo - Mitra, me, my Dad and my Grandfather.
“Which one are you?” Nazy asked.
“I’m the one with the beard… cut it out, Nazy.”
Four generation photos are much rarer now… but
“I’ve decided to stick around, Nazy,” I explained. “I want to make sure that HP loses money on my pension.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard, Dan.” Nazy replied. “They were pretty good at losing money when you were there.”
“That’s right.” I said. “But it wasn’t my fault.”

“I’m two, Dan.”
In spite of being somewhat skeptical of advancing age, Arrow likes being a Big Brother and like Tiger before him, wants to have his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese.
Nazy had a great time visiting Mitra in Los Angeles this weekend. In fact, as I write this note, she’s on her way back to Santa Barbara. They had fun shopping in Venice and…
“… we had an early morning workout and walk,” Nazy explained.
“Early? Morning?” I replied.
“That’s right.”
“And you were there?”
“… unpleasantly warm,” I complained.
“But not at night,” Nazy countered.
“I’m not outside at night,” I replied.
Surprisingly, the wet winter and spring resulted in a dangerous environment. When the abundant wildflowers and grasses dry out, they turn into fuel for brush fires. The dry vegetation causes the fires to spread rapidly.
On the theme of moving rapidly, Darius and Christiane will be leaving for a summer visit to Lebanon. They will see family, have a Christening Service for Auriane and generally enjoy themselves. Nazy is heading to Bellingham to ‘ooh and ah’ before the trip.
Recently, Christiane was using social media to find a friend from High School:She made contact, but her friend said that they’d probably not be able to see each other because she was …
“…. living in Bellingham, Washington,” Christiane told Nazy.
“An unbelievable coincidence,” I replied.

Tiger is continuing his tennis lessons. While driving home, he was explaining…
“… you use one hand for the forehand and two hands on the backhand.”
“I thought you needed four hands for the fourhand,” I replied.
“No, Dan. It’s not..”
“So you need two people to do a fourhand stroke.”
“We should call it the fronthand and backhand.” Tiger replied.
Melika took Tiger to the doctor for his 5 year check-up. He is fine, but he ..
“Did NOT want to get his vaccination.” Melika informed me.
“Maybe he heard about ill-informed concerns of disgraced vaccination deniers,” I replied.
“He was so upset that he bit his own lip, Dad.”
“I don’t think he wanted the shot.” I replied, relying on my vast parental experience.
“No shot, Sherlock.” Melika replied.
Tiger and Arrow are enjoying the summer vacation. Tiger’s new school sent him a summer reading list and a “reading challenge”. They want the incoming kindergarten class to read 1000 pages before classes start.

“So we are reading Charlotte’s Web, Dan,” Tiger exclaimed.
“Great book,” I replied. “If you had a ‘number of words’ challenge, it would be a wonderful choice.” I thought. “Would you like to read Marvin K. Mooney with me and Arrow? It’s 36 pages!”
“If we just read it 28 times, we’ll have 1000 pages,” I thought.
I found a four generation photo - Mitra, me, my Dad and my Grandfather.
“Which one are you?” Nazy asked.
“I’m the one with the beard… cut it out, Nazy.”
Four generation photos are much rarer now… but
“I’ve decided to stick around, Nazy,” I explained. “I want to make sure that HP loses money on my pension.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard, Dan.” Nazy replied. “They were pretty good at losing money when you were there.”
“That’s right.” I said. “But it wasn’t my fault.”
We’re gearing up for Arrow’s third birthday this weekend. He wants ‘a blue car’, but he’s having second thoughts about the benefits of turning three.
“… and so, when you’re three, you won’t need a pacifier any more. Right?” I asked.
“I like my…”
“And, no more diapers?” I continued.
“I’m two, Dan.” Arrow responded.
“You’re almost 3.”

“I’m two, Dan.”
In spite of being somewhat skeptical of advancing age, Arrow likes being a Big Brother and like Tiger before him, wants to have his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese.
Nazy had a great time visiting Mitra in Los Angeles this weekend. In fact, as I write this note, she’s on her way back to Santa Barbara. They had fun shopping in Venice and…
“… we had an early morning workout and walk,” Nazy explained.
“Early? Morning?” I replied.
“That’s right.”
“And you were there?”
For last week's letter, please click here
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