Hawk watches Liquid Plumber vaccinate swimming naturalist
:.. unforgettable year?” Nazy asked.
“An unforgettable year that we all wish we could forget.” I replied.
Fortunately, we are nearing the very end (of the very last) 2020 we will ever have to endure.
Consistent with the years theme, covid virus cases have ‘gone viral’ and leading indicators of trouble are not looking good.
“Are you talking about the toilet paper shortage?” Nazy asked.
“Yes, but that’s just a flattened bug on the 2020 windshield of life. I noticed a problem when premium brands were replaced with ‘value’ packages.”
“Yes, those are not as…”
“… good. But then, even the poor quality items began to vanish. Now I’ve noticed the absence of Drano and Liquid Plumber.”
“Yes, it’s used to clear clogged drains. I think the toilet paper shortage…”

“ … has led to experimentation with…”
“… newspapers and the like — thereby creating a pandemic of clogged drains.”
Drains aside, Nazy and I are cautious and restrict our outings to the grocery store, the pharmacy and outside, low-tide, walks along the beach. (The tide has been low near sunset this week.)
Christmas is a time of celebration and tradition. Last minute ‘preparations’ are a foundational part of Family Tradition. Usually, for example, Nazy will be working from late Christmas Eve until noon (or later) on Christmas Day wrapping ‘the last’ present. We will mail Christmas cards in early (or sometimes late) January. In spite of frequent reminders, the sugar cookies won’t be made or frosted until visiting family has a chance to eat more than their share.
Melika and Tom's house with holiday lights
It’s all different this year. Nazy already finished Arrow’s needlepoint stocking. She’s made the sugar cookies (a notable improvement from last year’s disaster when no cookies — none, nada, zilch — were baked). All of the presents not only bought, but are also wrapped. The holiday menus are planned and ingredients have been acquired. But….
It will be a very small gathering this Christmas. We certainly won’t be visiting friends and there won’t be any family outings at restaurants, shows, or labyrinth emporiums. Darius, Christiane, Leandra and Auriane will be staying in Bellingham. Happily, Mitra and Stefan can come, but given situation in Southern California, that trip will necessitate a quick extraction from LA.

Nevertheless, holiday decorations are in place at both Melika’s and our homes. (I personally think that Melika and Tom’s tree needs a mask.)
In Bellingham, Darius and Christiane installed new shades in their house. But..
“… I always wanted ‘blackout’ shades for our bedroom, Dad.” Darius explained. “Because a streetlight from the other side of the street, always shines into our bedroom. And I can’t sleep unless it is completely dark.”
“Interesting,” I replied. “As I’ve matured,” I thought, “I’ve developed the ability to sleep anywhere, anytime under any lighting conditions.”
“Are you awake, Dan!” Nazy interjects.
“Completely dark, Dad. But..”
“You have young children, Darius. That means that you are unlikely to have adequate nighttime sleep. How can you not be able to ..”
“Trust me, Dad. But these ‘blackout’ curtains have openings on the edges. They don’t darken the room.”
“Complain to the company that installed them, Dar. You lived in Iceland for 18 months. You ‘know’ blackout curtains. Tell them that if Londoners had used those curtains during The Blitz, we’d all be speaking German.”
“Alternatively, get some explosives and take out the offensive light pole.”
“Thanks for the help, Dad.”

During the summer, a pair of red tail hawks set up a nest in a tall tree in Melika and Tom’s backyard. Over the summer, they raised a family, but appeared to relocate in fall. But, while driving to their house, I spotted two of them circling overhead. Amazingly, I even had time to snap a photo.
“More amazingly, Dan,” Nazy interrupts, “you actually got an in-focus photo.”
“Of course, my dear.” I replied. “Along with many out of focus shots,” I thought, wondering why those birds wouldn’t just pose in the sky like a hovering helicopter.

Because we live in Santa Barbara and because Melika and Tom have close friends with a heated outdoor swimming pool, Azelle and Arrow are continuing swimming lessons even though it’s almost winter. (Tiger is already an accomplished swimmer.)
After swimming, Melika’s plans is to replace Azelle’s swimsuit with nap time PJs. This activity is always tricky. Azelle is good at swim suit removal, but she also likes running around the pool and through the gardens while Melika is trying to get Arrow ready to go:
Notice the strategically placed banana (not fig) leaf.
For last week's letter, please click here
Leandra and Auriane