November 2014
Thanksgiving Milk Popsicle & banana Mush miff Neighbor

How did the grand(est)son like his first solid food? (Would your opinion change if you knew that the ‘food’ contained rice and bananas?) And how did the banana gruel compare with a frozen milk popsicle? Can a California neighbor match the hospitality that we found in Zurich? Hint: he’s from Detroit and has the wrong name. What do the Baltic Republics have to do with Darius’ new wardrobe? Read More...
Joe’s Auto vacations on Wednesday flight to timbuktu

Did Nazy forget everything she learned in Switzerland? How did quantum mechanics apply to last Wednesday’s agenda? How well does a soft-bed handle on the highway? What does the new car have to do with Bob’s Tire and Battery Store? Where should Dan and Nazy plan their next vacation? (And, is Timbuktu on the way?) Read More...
early evening dino-Rooster Drives New car Mistake

Where can you find a teak rooster that is the same size as a Tyrannosaurs Rex? (And why would you be looking for one?) Why didn’t High School experiences (“Don’t let me friends see me in ‘the VAN’, Dad.&rdquo

Vikings melt rusted TR7 losing iPhone Finding red Car
09-11-14 08:59 Family Humor

Did the “Find my iPhone” App save Nazy’s bacon? Or, was it necessary to speak with a Scientology missionary first? Did Eric the Dead design and build The Martin Family refrigerator? (Which is also dead.) When is red really red? Hint: Dan’s Memphis-based TR7 that wouldn’t start, but would leak, was ‘not red’. And - why does it matter? Finally, who’s grand(est)son can sit up all by himself? Read More...
lion King TIGER Rains over Manipulated election Dancer
01-11-14 12:16 Baby,Family Humor

Who chose Halloween night as the most appropriate time for the only rainstorm of the year? What is the best Halloween costume for a baby named ‘Tiger’? Does fracking in North Dakota cause drought in Southern California? Hint: It’s election season and it’s easier to against everything than it is to be for anything. Do you need to know how to walk before you learn how to dance? And why is The Martin Family automobile responsible for high invoices from AT&T? Read More...