April 2012
Stumbling through 650 sand-wielding, FöHn-filled,Tulips

Will Dan’s book (Stumbling Through the Tulips) make the best seller list? Why is the Sahara the secret to spectacular sunsets? Is it possible for their to be a factual error on the Internet? How does narrative integrity impact newsworthy objectivity?
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Clam-digger spectacles and laser dummies

In the trousers category: are polka dots more powerful than clam diggers? Is “it’s a little better” a ringing endorsement for Dan’s new website? Is there a military laser strong enough to correct 20-50,000 vision?
Read More...Swans reflect retired overtaxed web weavers

Will Dan’s cleverly diversified retirement plan provide perennial prosperity? How does the US government make it impossible for citizens to work abroad? Do you admire swooning swans reflected on a languid lake?
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Can nine nonagenarian nuns nix Nazy’s nifty knots? Will Darius’ optimism and Dan’s pragmatism banish her Majesty’s fog? Will Persian New Year wishes come true if the ritual is rushed? The Weekly Letter reveals all. Read More...
pansies spring into detoxed defunct internet banks

Is there a “I don’t do windows” clause in Dan’s marital contract? What will win The Martin Family’s spring popularity contest: Pansy or Geranium? Could Darius be happy with his bank? And would Melika’s diet be ruled cruel punishment if served to prisoners? Read More...