Q-Tipped wreath stuck in classic Low-IQ Ear

What did your mother say about putting things in your ear? (And, is a Q-Tip smaller than your elbow?) How would The Weekly Letter rate if they judged like figure skating: technical score and grade of execution? Would Shakespeare trump J.K. Rowling? What do Dan’s Blood Pressure and IQ have in common?
Let’s deal curling Koalas in colorful pants

What kind of tree explodes? (Hint: It was planted by Johnny Eucalyptus Seed.) Would you trade an off-kilter tree for what’s behind Door Number 3? And, before you answer, would you wear a giant fruit hat while making your choice? Did the Norwegian curling team hire Dan for sartorial advice? How heavy is the curling stone? Read More...
Ballerina plots Fill creek with eclectic Sculpture

Universal apples Remotely control stylish pregnant weather

Can Dan successfully deploy a universal remote to replace 4 remote control devices for the ‘smart’ TV? Okay, that was too easy: can Dan, with Darius’ help, arrange a successful deployment? Why is US internet/cable TV service expensive and lower quality? (Note: This question is distinct from subjective observations about the quality of the TV programs themselves.) How will Martin Family intervention fix the California draught?