November 2015
autumn’s thankful ducks build great wall of firewood
29-11-15 10:58 Thanksgiving,Family

Is autumn possible if the (palm) trees don’t change color? Does autumn begin when it becomes necessary to wear long pants instead of shorts? When Dan thinks of seasonal changes, why does The Great Wall of China come to mind? Who rode the Carousel? (But who picked the horse?) And how did we help the Ducks in Chase Palm Park celebrate Thanksgiving? Read More...
International men’s orchid chandelier seats Patton’s tanks and toilets
22-11-15 11:24 Family

Is it a coincidence that International Men’s Day and World Toilet Day both occur on November 19? Will Nazy notice if irritability is a side-effect of Dan’s medication? Why does moving the dinning room table into the dinning room cause the Third Armored Battalion to park its tanks in front of our house? What do the neighbors think? Has the grand(est)son made the transition from ‘Baby’ to ‘Little Boy’? Read More...
On the port (tick) tack with a Cornish Hen

Who put ‘sailing’ on the list of things that every gentleman should know how to do? Why did Dan read that list? Does gnawing the drumstick of a Cornish Hen equate to ‘being able to carve a turkey’? What is a boom vang and is it related to the gooseneck? Will eating Tic Tacs make Dan a better sailor? What prompts the grand(est)son to say: “Okay?”. Read More...
KitchenDread, Kettle Red, Appliance Dead, Cat Well Fed

When we were just married, Nazy wanted a massive KitchenAid mixer that cost about as much as my first car. Factual insert: My first car was a (well) used Austin Healy Sprite that didn’t have rollup windows or a self-canceling turn signal switch. Now, many years later, we bought a KitchenAid Proline device — a candy apple Red Tea Kettle. Pricewise, it is a flawless diamond in a sea of zirconium. In the looks category, it is a Rembrandt surrounded by unschooled doodles. Performance wise - well, you’ll just have to read about it. And, is Melika’s cat comfy staying with us? How is the grand(est)son doing with his swimming lessons? Read More...
Unprepared Dan battles Diapers, The Donald and the Appliance Warrior

Nazy heads to San Francisco leaving Dan in charge of The Grand(est)son. Can he handle The Challenge? Can he handle the challenge? Ha! He’s protected his California home from floods for the last three years. Note: Readers are encouraged to forget the drought. If Halloween finds Tom and Melika in a connected western horse costume, why is young Tiger dressed like Donald Trump? No matter, he’ll be great: surrounded by great people with great ideas all wanting to make America great again. And, as a 16 month old baby, he’s ideally aged to imitate The Donald Read More...