Mayonnaise coated Krugerrand escapes Predictive Telephone

How can you hide the mayonnaise jar full of spare change from the tax authorities? Who is smarter (and more erudite)? Dan or his Nokia 920 “smart” phone? Does Nazy own a pair of walking shoes? Can Nazy, fresh from her success in finding the hidden closet, find an extra bedroom in Dan’s flat? And why do government regulations close the door after the horse has escaped?
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Could Nazy and Dan handle a guided (tour) bus bully? Does a Nestle chocolate bar taste “just like” a Sprungli Truffle? (Will it taste better if placed in a “Chocolat de Villars” wrapper?) Will they have Coca Cola on the Aiguelle du Midi? Would you walk down 404 steps in order to stroll through a tunnel in a receding glacier? Would you do it even if you knew you’d have to walk, eh, climb, back up? 404 Steps?
Stealth closet finds Fuse-less home in geneva

Was Nazy impressed by Dan’s apartment cleaning efforts. (Will common sense prevail in Congress?) Is it possible to misplace an entire closet? And is that worse than losing a vacuum cleaner? Where can you find a cinderblock-sized fuse after all the shops have closed?
Street repair creates Higgs boson safety pin

Why doesn’t CERN put collision detectors on the street in by Dan’s Geneva apartment? Would you have your shirts laundered by a service that pokes holes in the tails? (How much would you pay to avoid said defacement?) Where do the French Swiss hide the “y” on a PC kezboard? Can Dan escape the black hole of broccoli while Nazy visits?
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Why is a suctionless vacuum cleaner like a black hole? Which internship best prepares you for executive management? A Ranch? A Bank? (And - why?) Will Dan get his helicopter license while he’s living in Geneva? Finally: If Dan’s clothes don’t fit in the Geneva apartment, what’s he going to do when Nazy visits? (Next week!) Read More...