raincoats on Daniel & a Wife always right: a few of my favorite things

“You take credit? You are so full of yourself,” Nazy interrupts.
“Excuse me?” I replied.
“And you are wrong so often.”
“Wrong? Me? Often?”
“Yes! You! And not ‘often’, it’s actually ‘always’”.
I thought back to our trip to the pharmacy..
Tuesday 3:00 PM
“But you called me!” I exclaimed. “You said my prescription was ready. Where is it?”
“We sent a text that it is time to refill. But that doesn’t mean that we prepared for your visit. It’s not ready. We will prepare your prescription mmediately,” the clerk replied.
“Immediately?” I asked.
“Yes! It will be ready in 15 minutes.”
“15 minutes is not immediately,” I thought. “I don’t want to wait 15 minutes I replied. Can you..”
“You could come back tomorrow,” the clerk replied. “We will have it ready at 2:00PM.”
“We can just wait.” Nazy interjected. “It will not be ready when you return tomorrow.” Nazy thought with brainwaves and telepathy directed toward me.
“I don’t want to wait,” I repeated. “And, Nazy, we will be back here tomorrow anyway.”
“We should wait, Dan!” Nazy exclaimed. “You are so naive,” Nazy thought.
“What part of ‘I don’t want to wait’ is incomprehensible to you, Nazy?” I thought. “We will come back tomorrow at 2:00 to pick up.” I told the clerk.
“What is the matter with you?” Nazy asked as we walked out of the store. “It will not be ready at 2:00 when you come back tomorrow.”
“Ah ha!” I exclaimed. “I’m not coming at 2:00 I will come at 3:00. It will surely be ready then.”
“You could have told her that you would come back in 15 minutes…”
“I did not want to wait.”
“and then return tomorrow. At 2:00PM. Your prescription will be ready.”
“That’s a very good idea,” I thought. “Wouldn’t that be cheating?” I asked. “They’ll be ready. I was very insistent and gracious.”
“And stupid. You are at CVS, Dan. They never have any prescription ready when you arrive.”
Wednesday 3:00 PM
“But you said it would ready today at 2:00.” I complained.
“It’s 3:00PM, sir.”
“I know what time it is..”
“Told you so!” Nazy interrupted. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson.”
“Don’t worry,” the clerk said. “We will have it in 15 minutes.”
“I’ll wait!” I exclaimed before turning to Nazy and saying “We’re leaving!”
Of course no weekly letter would be complete without an update on the grand(est)son.
“He can speak Chinese,” I told Nazy as we were awaiting our order.
“When you ordered Chicken Foo Yuck, young Tiger suggested something else.”
“Excuse me.”
“He said: ‘Moo goo gi pan’. He repeated it, especially the ‘goo’ part several times.”
“You are wite,” the waitress interjected.

Although we’ve left Europe, we still pay attention to the continent. We were happly surprised when the Swiss National Bank made changes that increased the (U$ Dollar) value of my pension by about 12%.
“That’s great!” Nazy noted when I updated her on the change.
“I know,” I replied. “But if they can change it positively overnight,” I thought, “They could also change it negatively overnight. Seems risky to me.”
“And the European Central Bank is starting to do some Quantitative Easing.”
“Wow!” Nazy exclaimed. “What does that mean?” she asked.
“It’s like fiscal viagra,” I replied. “Or a monetary laxative.”
“Well that explains everything.” Nazy replied.
“And Grεεce is threatening to leave the €uro.”
“Wasn’t that about to happen when we left Europe?”
“Right. But five years of austerity have led to 25% unemployment (50% of people under the age of 25 are unemployed). It’s a disaster causing social unrest.”
“What’s going to happen?”
“I don’t know. But I no longer have any money in any Grεεk bank.”
“Did we ever have money in a Grεεk bank?”
“Of course not! I am prescient.”
Finally, I’m in the midst of ophthalmology work to replace the increasingly translucent lens in my eyes with new crystal ones. It means..
“.. that I’ll be able to see at night, Nazy.”
“I’m a little concerned. It’s like when your old car starts to need repairs. It goes from changing the oil (“I’m talking to you Darius) to replacing the clutch, putting on new tires, doing a a brake job.. until it’s cheaper to just get a new car instead of repairing the old one.”
“I’m glad that I’m still in ‘repair’, and not ‘replace’ mode.”
For last week’s issue, please click here.
P.S. It rained today. I actually had to take out my Driza-Bone raincoat.