Whales crawl, BMWs talk, Arrows dance and Tigers confuse
Here in Southern California, the rainy season has ended. (It’s still wet in Northern California; the Mammoth Mountain ski area received over 600 inches of snow this year. They plan to be open until “at least” July 4.)
Thus, it has been warm and exciting. Melika and Tom went to Coachella for the weekend — it’s sort of like Woodstock with private airplanes, no rain an no counterculture. Nazy and I had a lot of time to observe growing grand(est) sons. We naturally handled the situation with aplomb.

As I’ve mentioned before, Arrow, the youngest grandest son is now mobile. And, demonstrating dash and panache, he shuns typical hands and knees crawling postures.
“It’s so undignified,” Arrow thought, failing to realize how ridiculous he looks as moves with his butt up in the air.
Before he achieved mobility, we had Arrow nap on our bed. As he became more active, we surrounded him with pillows. Now we’ve relocated his naps to a play-pen device called a Pack and Play.
Because it was hot on the weekend, I thoughtfully opened the window above the Pack and Play before Nazy placed Arrow inside for his nap. And, because I am a caring and thoughtful husband, I offered to take Tiger to the museum while Nazy relaxed during Arrow’s nap. There was but one fly in the otherwise unsullied ointment:
“His shoes are in the car,” Nazy claimed.

“No problem,” I replied. (Erroneously).
I carried Tiger to the car and discovered that the only shoes there were his sandals — which were totally unacceptable.
“I just want my blue shoes Dan.” Tiger explained. Loudly. “Can we just..” I began.”I don’t want those!” Tiger proclaimed (passionately) as he pointed at the sandals.
“You stay here Tiger,” I commanded. “I’ll go inside to find your other shoes. Do not get out of the car. Can you just stay in the car for a few minutes while I go inside to get your other shoes?”
“Yes, Dan.” Tiger replied.
As I walked to the front door, Tiger blew the horn. Several times.
“What is the matter with you!” Nazy ‘explained’ as soon as I opened the door. “Now Arrow is awake.”
“Do you know where Tiger’s shoes..” I began.
“The only shoes we have for him are: In. The. Car. Dan.” Nazy replied. Forthrightly.
I turned around and headed back to the car. “I’ll drive to Mel’s house and get another pair.” I thought.
When I arrived, I noticed that Tiger was talking to the car.
“What is the nature of your emergency?” The car asked.
“What is the nature of your emergency?” Tiger parroted.

“A two year old seized control of my vehicle.” I interjected soon as I realized that Tiger had found the ‘panic’ button and established communication with BMW roadside assistance.
“Are you all right sir?” The car replied.
“I am fine,” I replied in a commanding voice. “But a passenger in this car is in trouble,” I thought.
“Where are we going now?” Tiger asked.
“Thank you for calling BMW support”, the car said. “We recommend that all drivers be older than 2 years.”
“Of course,” I said (to the car). “We’re going to your house to find your blue shoes.” I said (to Tiger).
“We can wear these shoes, Dan.” Tiger responded — meaning the entire horn-blowing and roadside assisting issues were unnecessary.
“And do not touch this button again,” I replied.
We drove to the Children’s Museum — a favorite place for Tiger. He was putting colorful acrylic sticks in the light board when a little girl came up and took one that he had just inserted. I braced for either confrontation or tears.
“Excuse me!” Tiger said. “I was using that one.”
“Oh! Here,” the little girl replied, handing Tiger the stick. Then she looked at me and said: “Where’s my Daddy?”

Arrow on the other hand, having mastered crawling (I’ve awarded him a Class A proficiency certificate) and making good progress on ‘high fiving’ and ‘waving goodby’, is now attending music class. He’s good at percussion and like dressing up like a clown — with his grandmother and grandfather. (Granddad is in the background with a clown wig.)
During the week, Nazy and I also went on a whale-watching expedition with our friends Christine and Joel. (They had been on an earlier trip and, because they couldn’t see whales, had vouchers for another trip.)
The weather was beautiful and even though there were a few relatively gentle swells in the ocean, the excursion, on a large catamaran. was very enjoyable. Whales were in the area, but as soon as we got near, cut the engines and began drifting, a moron in a speed boat spotted us and began a loud, high speed dash toward the whales. The cetaceans responded by leaving the area. We caught a few quick glimpses, but also got vouchers for another trip. The trip was beautiful and the only risk was sunburn.

Note: This is not the first time we’ve gotten whale-watching vouchers. In Iceland a few years ago,, the swells were neither few nor gentle. We were drenched by enormous, cold Arctic ocean waves crashing over the bow and onto the deck. Afraid we’d be washed overboard, Nazy and I crawled to shelter below deck. We were met by about 20 seasick people. No whales were spotted. (But given the rolling of the boat and the waves, a whale could have been three meters away without being seen.)
Thus, it has been warm and exciting. Melika and Tom went to Coachella for the weekend — it’s sort of like Woodstock with private airplanes, no rain an no counterculture. Nazy and I had a lot of time to observe growing grand(est) sons. We naturally handled the situation with aplomb.

As I’ve mentioned before, Arrow, the youngest grandest son is now mobile. And, demonstrating dash and panache, he shuns typical hands and knees crawling postures.
“It’s so undignified,” Arrow thought, failing to realize how ridiculous he looks as moves with his butt up in the air.
Before he achieved mobility, we had Arrow nap on our bed. As he became more active, we surrounded him with pillows. Now we’ve relocated his naps to a play-pen device called a Pack and Play.
Because it was hot on the weekend, I thoughtfully opened the window above the Pack and Play before Nazy placed Arrow inside for his nap. And, because I am a caring and thoughtful husband, I offered to take Tiger to the museum while Nazy relaxed during Arrow’s nap. There was but one fly in the otherwise unsullied ointment:
“His shoes are in the car,” Nazy claimed.

“No problem,” I replied. (Erroneously).
I carried Tiger to the car and discovered that the only shoes there were his sandals — which were totally unacceptable.
“I just want my blue shoes Dan.” Tiger explained. Loudly. “Can we just..” I began.”I don’t want those!” Tiger proclaimed (passionately) as he pointed at the sandals.
“You stay here Tiger,” I commanded. “I’ll go inside to find your other shoes. Do not get out of the car. Can you just stay in the car for a few minutes while I go inside to get your other shoes?”
“Yes, Dan.” Tiger replied.
As I walked to the front door, Tiger blew the horn. Several times.
“What is the matter with you!” Nazy ‘explained’ as soon as I opened the door. “Now Arrow is awake.”
“Do you know where Tiger’s shoes..” I began.
“The only shoes we have for him are: In. The. Car. Dan.” Nazy replied. Forthrightly.
I turned around and headed back to the car. “I’ll drive to Mel’s house and get another pair.” I thought.
When I arrived, I noticed that Tiger was talking to the car.
“What is the nature of your emergency?” The car asked.
“What is the nature of your emergency?” Tiger parroted.

“A two year old seized control of my vehicle.” I interjected soon as I realized that Tiger had found the ‘panic’ button and established communication with BMW roadside assistance.
“Are you all right sir?” The car replied.
“I am fine,” I replied in a commanding voice. “But a passenger in this car is in trouble,” I thought.
“Where are we going now?” Tiger asked.
“Thank you for calling BMW support”, the car said. “We recommend that all drivers be older than 2 years.”
“Of course,” I said (to the car). “We’re going to your house to find your blue shoes.” I said (to Tiger).
“We can wear these shoes, Dan.” Tiger responded — meaning the entire horn-blowing and roadside assisting issues were unnecessary.
“And do not touch this button again,” I replied.
We drove to the Children’s Museum — a favorite place for Tiger. He was putting colorful acrylic sticks in the light board when a little girl came up and took one that he had just inserted. I braced for either confrontation or tears.
“Excuse me!” Tiger said. “I was using that one.”
“Oh! Here,” the little girl replied, handing Tiger the stick. Then she looked at me and said: “Where’s my Daddy?”

Arrow on the other hand, having mastered crawling (I’ve awarded him a Class A proficiency certificate) and making good progress on ‘high fiving’ and ‘waving goodby’, is now attending music class. He’s good at percussion and like dressing up like a clown — with his grandmother and grandfather. (Granddad is in the background with a clown wig.)
During the week, Nazy and I also went on a whale-watching expedition with our friends Christine and Joel. (They had been on an earlier trip and, because they couldn’t see whales, had vouchers for another trip.)
The weather was beautiful and even though there were a few relatively gentle swells in the ocean, the excursion, on a large catamaran. was very enjoyable. Whales were in the area, but as soon as we got near, cut the engines and began drifting, a moron in a speed boat spotted us and began a loud, high speed dash toward the whales. The cetaceans responded by leaving the area. We caught a few quick glimpses, but also got vouchers for another trip. The trip was beautiful and the only risk was sunburn.

Note: This is not the first time we’ve gotten whale-watching vouchers. In Iceland a few years ago,, the swells were neither few nor gentle. We were drenched by enormous, cold Arctic ocean waves crashing over the bow and onto the deck. Afraid we’d be washed overboard, Nazy and I crawled to shelter below deck. We were met by about 20 seasick people. No whales were spotted. (But given the rolling of the boat and the waves, a whale could have been three meters away without being seen.)
Arrow at music class
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