Post-Grad dances and bubbles with circus, legos and Mitra
“… is celebrating his graduation from pre-school,” Nazy explained. “Arrow is joining the celebration and we’re going to see the ceremony with Melika and Azelle.”
“Pre-school graduation?”
“They’ve been practicing their song and dance for the last two weeks. Arrow’s class is performing as well.”

“When Tiger was Arrow’s age, he refused to take the stage with his class.”
“I’m sure..”
“Wait! Tiger’s kindergarten doesn’t start until September. What’s he going to do during the summer?”
“He will continue to go to the BrightStart School with Arrow.”
“So Tiger will be doing Post-Grad work!” I asserted. “Sad that the lad couldn’t find a paying job,” I thought.
When his class performed, Arrow was significantly less boisterous than Tiger. But Arrow did, at least, take the stage. Both boys were enthusiastic consumers of the celebratory cake. (I even gave young Azelle a taste.)
“You did what?” Nazy interjects.”I can’t believe that Dan actually shared his cake,” Nazy thought.
“Just a wee bit of the cake,” I replied. “I’m sure that the frosting isn’t good for her.”

“You are so health conscious Dan.”
Of course, the graduation was but one of the exciting events of the week. After we returned from the Oregon weekend, an astronomical phenomenon (Summer Solstice) arrived in Santa Barbara.
“.. in Santa Barbara, Dan?” Nazy asked.
“Well — actually in the entire Northern Hemisphere my dear.”
Santa Barbara celebrates the Summer Solstice with the Solstice Parade, a colorful display of non-motorized floats, colorfully costumed citizens (documentation not required), biodegradable confetti and state-of-the-art bubble machines. The boys had a great time.
I’ve also spent a lot of time driving around town with Tiger who likes to explore the English language — especially the language as spoken by the Australian-accented Siri navigation system on the iPhone.
“.. turn left in 500 feet,” Siri directed.
“Where are those feet, Tiger?” I asked. “If you see any feet on the road, start counting them.”
“Yeah, who’s feet?”
“Wouldn’t those feet get squashed if the cars keep driving on them, Dan?”
“You’re right Tiger..”
“And look at that sign, Dan: Traffic light ahead.”
“Who’s head, Tiger?” I asked.
And then we saw a traffic light with a left arrow, a right arrow and ..
“What should I do when I see that arrow pointing straight up?” I asked.
“I’ll get my helicopter, Dan.”
“It’s not a job for your wrecking ball?” I replied.
We also took the boys to the circus. Neither of the boys liked the loud motorcycles zooming around in a steel sphere. But Arrow liked the trampoline performance and Tiger thought the flying trapeze was fun.
“Would you like to be a trapeze artist, Tiger?” I asked.
“No, Dan. I think you have to be very brave.”
“Are you brave?”

“I’m brave, Dan. But I’m not stupid.”
They both like the light saber souvenirs. Later Azelle and Melika joined us for dinner at Lure, a local seafood restaurant. Then they all went to work on the nearby giant legos.
Later in the week, Melika and Tom flew to Nashville to see friends and the Weird Al Yankovich show. Mitra and Stefan came up from Los Angeles to visit and help with the grandchildren. Mitra always arrives with a plan, appropriate materials and a focused program. The boys love her adventures. Together they create art, draw labyrinths, learn the difference between a maze and a labyrinth, pick fresh rosemary, make breakfast (beginning by grinding Mitra’s coffee), lunch and dinner… and desserts.
On Tuesday, they embarked on an effort to make lemonade (using lemons picked from Melika’s yard). Lemon juice and honey and a bit too much ice, together with a turbo-powered blender resulted in creation of lemonade slush. It tasted great.
And this: The ‘president’ has planned a tank-filled, fighter plane airshow culminating in a reality TV campaign speech announcing that Independence Day will be renamed Trump Day.
I’ve finally found a perfect job for the empathy-challenged and morally limited cretin currently residing in the White House: he is perfectly qualified to ..
“Perfectly qualified?” Nazy asks, incredulous. “He’s not qualified to do anything.”
“He could be President for Life in a Banana Republic,” I replied. “If there was a Banana Republic stupid enough to have him,” I thought.
“I’m afraid that he’s trying to turn the USA into a Banana Republic,” Nazy retorted.
‘But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’
-Matthew 19:14
Note to the ‘president’ and his administration: “You are misinterpreting the word ‘suffer’ in this Biblical reference.”
Note to Congress: Supporting what is happening to children (and others) on our border is not ‘what Jesus would do’.
Note to voters: Supporting an administration that treats people so callously is shameful.
Dan and Azelle