Get me out — poking dentist, jabbing doctor, punctured tire
“This will be a Monday to remember,” I thought as I climbed out of bed. Early.
“What are you doing?” Nazy muttered.
“Excuse me?” I replied — astonished to hear articulate conversation in the morning.
“I said what are you doing?” Nazy replied.
“I have an appointment with the dental hygienist,” I replied. “An early appointment.”
“See you afterwards for breakfast?”
“No, I’ve got an appointment with the dentist right afterwards. Something to do with implants.”
“So you’ll be back after that?”
“Actually, I have my annual physical directly after the dentist.”
“Hrmph.” Nazy replied. “So who scheduled this circus of jabbing and poking?” Nazy thought.
“Indeed,” I thought. “Why did I schedule this circus of stabbing and prodding?”
It turned out that everything went smoothly and (mostly) painlessly. But when I got to in the car..
“Check left rear tire,” the vehicle’s computer told me.
“This Volvo sounds like it’s somewhat miffed,” I thought.
The tire repair depot discovered a …
“… nail in the tire.” I was told.
“That’s just ducky,” I thought. “Even the car was poked, stabbed and jabbed today.”
While I was dealing with dentists, doctors and tire mechanics, Tiger had developed a fever. He was uncharacteristically lethargic and even..
“… had nightmares, Dad.” Melika explained.
“He was shouting: ‘I want to get out of here right now!’ in his sleep.”
“Wow!” I replied. “Poor kid must have been dreaming that he was working as part of the Trump administration,” I thought.
Regular readers may recall that both grandsons have sophisticated political skills. Arrow, for example, was less than four months old when he expressed his opinion about the November, 2016 election results.

We never determined the cause of Tiger’s fever, but it went away fairly quickly. In fact, he recovered in time for his Wednesday swimming class. He has been going to swimming classes wince he was about 4 months old. Most recently, he ‘graduated’ to private lessons. And this week..
“Tiger swam the length of the pool!” I exclaimed.
The pool is 60 feet long. The kids learn to swim the length by turning on their backs to take a breath when they get tired and then turning over and continuing on their tummy. They get a certificate, a tee shirt and a ribbon when they can complete the task. They also have a photograph taken to show.. well to show-off. As you can see from the photo below, Tiger is better at swimming than at posing for a picture and showing off.
In the meantime, Arrow is inching closer to the dreaded..
“… ‘terrible twos’, Nazy.” I said as I tried to regain control of the toilet paper roll before he re-clogged the toilet.
“And he doesn’t listen.” Nazy replied.

“Actually, my dear, he does listen. He completely comprehends. And he simply does the opposite.
Where did he go?”
“I think he’s back in the bathroom.”
“Arrow!” I shouted. “Are you playing with the toilet paper?”
“No.” He replied. “Yeess,” He thought.
Arrow understands everything — in English, Farsi and Spanish. In fact..
“He said ‘Bia’,” Dina (the nanny) noted.
“That means ‘come’ in Farsi,” I replied.
He’s also learning the alphabet. He not only ‘knows’ the letters ‘M’, ’T’, ‘D’, he says ‘M — Mama’, ‘D - Dan’ and ’T - Tigah’.He also a special liking for ‘E’, ‘O’ and ‘A’. And, he has become much more interesting to Tiger, who is now actually playing with him. (Sometimes.)

[In the photo, Tiger is not convinced that Arrow knows where the piece in the puzzle actually go. And FWIW, there is a giant puzzle on the table behind the boys. Nazy is working on that one. Nazy is a jigsaw puzzle maven.
Since Tiger was out of school for a few days, I took him to MOXI (the children’s museum.) It’s a lot of fun watching Tiger enjoy MOXI. When he is there, he is in high speed mode — unable to walk anywhere. This trip, he built a ‘race car’ that he sent down the track about 18 times. Then he played with the computer that made projections on the wall. He built a ‘fort’ from huge blocks. He tried all of the levers, faucets, spouts and valves on the water sculpture. And he..
“I want to look through the telescope, Dan.” He exclaimed.
“It’s not a telescope, Tiger.” I replied. “It an infrared imager. It ..”
“It’s a telescope, Dan.”
“A telescope shows things bigger. This imager shows how hot things are. It shows them in different colors.”
“Hmm.” Tiger replied. “He must think I’m really dumb,” Tiger thought.

When we got to the telescope, eh, imager, someone else was using it. Tiger, noting that the usurper was about 8 years old and had a broken leg, assessed the situation. He ran forward and …
“… it shows colors,” Tiger explained. “Hot things are red. I can look and show you.”
“Well,” the boy replied.
“What happened to your leg?” Tiger asked. “Does it hurt?”

I noted that the 8 year old had lost possession of the scope.
“Would you like to look now?” Tiger asked.
“No thanks,” He replied.
“Bye!” Tiger concluded.
While we were having fun with Arrow and Tiger in California, Darius was entertaining the lovely Leandra.
“What are you doing?” Nazy muttered.
“Excuse me?” I replied — astonished to hear articulate conversation in the morning.
“I said what are you doing?” Nazy replied.
“I have an appointment with the dental hygienist,” I replied. “An early appointment.”
“See you afterwards for breakfast?”
“No, I’ve got an appointment with the dentist right afterwards. Something to do with implants.”
“So you’ll be back after that?”
“Actually, I have my annual physical directly after the dentist.”
“Hrmph.” Nazy replied. “So who scheduled this circus of jabbing and poking?” Nazy thought.
“Indeed,” I thought. “Why did I schedule this circus of stabbing and prodding?”
It turned out that everything went smoothly and (mostly) painlessly. But when I got to in the car..
“Check left rear tire,” the vehicle’s computer told me.
“This Volvo sounds like it’s somewhat miffed,” I thought.
The tire repair depot discovered a …
“… nail in the tire.” I was told.
“That’s just ducky,” I thought. “Even the car was poked, stabbed and jabbed today.”
While I was dealing with dentists, doctors and tire mechanics, Tiger had developed a fever. He was uncharacteristically lethargic and even..
“… had nightmares, Dad.” Melika explained.
“He was shouting: ‘I want to get out of here right now!’ in his sleep.”
“Wow!” I replied. “Poor kid must have been dreaming that he was working as part of the Trump administration,” I thought.
Regular readers may recall that both grandsons have sophisticated political skills. Arrow, for example, was less than four months old when he expressed his opinion about the November, 2016 election results.

We never determined the cause of Tiger’s fever, but it went away fairly quickly. In fact, he recovered in time for his Wednesday swimming class. He has been going to swimming classes wince he was about 4 months old. Most recently, he ‘graduated’ to private lessons. And this week..
“Tiger swam the length of the pool!” I exclaimed.
The pool is 60 feet long. The kids learn to swim the length by turning on their backs to take a breath when they get tired and then turning over and continuing on their tummy. They get a certificate, a tee shirt and a ribbon when they can complete the task. They also have a photograph taken to show.. well to show-off. As you can see from the photo below, Tiger is better at swimming than at posing for a picture and showing off.
In the meantime, Arrow is inching closer to the dreaded..
“… ‘terrible twos’, Nazy.” I said as I tried to regain control of the toilet paper roll before he re-clogged the toilet.
“And he doesn’t listen.” Nazy replied.

“Actually, my dear, he does listen. He completely comprehends. And he simply does the opposite.
Where did he go?”
“I think he’s back in the bathroom.”
“Arrow!” I shouted. “Are you playing with the toilet paper?”
“No.” He replied. “Yeess,” He thought.
Arrow understands everything — in English, Farsi and Spanish. In fact..
“He said ‘Bia’,” Dina (the nanny) noted.
“That means ‘come’ in Farsi,” I replied.
He’s also learning the alphabet. He not only ‘knows’ the letters ‘M’, ’T’, ‘D’, he says ‘M — Mama’, ‘D - Dan’ and ’T - Tigah’.He also a special liking for ‘E’, ‘O’ and ‘A’. And, he has become much more interesting to Tiger, who is now actually playing with him. (Sometimes.)

[In the photo, Tiger is not convinced that Arrow knows where the piece in the puzzle actually go. And FWIW, there is a giant puzzle on the table behind the boys. Nazy is working on that one. Nazy is a jigsaw puzzle maven.
Since Tiger was out of school for a few days, I took him to MOXI (the children’s museum.) It’s a lot of fun watching Tiger enjoy MOXI. When he is there, he is in high speed mode — unable to walk anywhere. This trip, he built a ‘race car’ that he sent down the track about 18 times. Then he played with the computer that made projections on the wall. He built a ‘fort’ from huge blocks. He tried all of the levers, faucets, spouts and valves on the water sculpture. And he..
“I want to look through the telescope, Dan.” He exclaimed.
“It’s not a telescope, Tiger.” I replied. “It an infrared imager. It ..”
“It’s a telescope, Dan.”
“A telescope shows things bigger. This imager shows how hot things are. It shows them in different colors.”
“Hmm.” Tiger replied. “He must think I’m really dumb,” Tiger thought.

When we got to the telescope, eh, imager, someone else was using it. Tiger, noting that the usurper was about 8 years old and had a broken leg, assessed the situation. He ran forward and …
“… it shows colors,” Tiger explained. “Hot things are red. I can look and show you.”
“Well,” the boy replied.
“What happened to your leg?” Tiger asked. “Does it hurt?”

I noted that the 8 year old had lost possession of the scope.
“Would you like to look now?” Tiger asked.
“No thanks,” He replied.
“Bye!” Tiger concluded.
While we were having fun with Arrow and Tiger in California, Darius was entertaining the lovely Leandra.
For last week's letter, please click here
Tiger Swimming
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