You Don’t Want to go There!

The most interesting part of the drive occurred on the way back. the taxi was stopped at one of the many police roadblocks. I asked our driver what was happening.
“Ali Baba.”
“What does he mean, Dan?” Nazy asked.
“Ali Baba and the forty thieves,” I replied. “The police will want money. Can you avoid paying him?” I asked, Mohammed, our driver. (Note:There are many Mohammeds in Morocco, all them are taxi drivers.
“En Shalah.” (God Willing.)
Unfortunately, God wasn’t paying attention. While the negotiations continued, I decide to use my mobile phone to confuse Darius. I sent an SMS:

Stopped at police shakedown.


Chains and Dungeons in future. Need money and ideas.


Bad Brake Light. Jail possible.

I was having fun, but Nazy saw the exchange an made me send a clarification to Darius.
In the end, it cost 30 dirham - paid directly to the policeman. Had he gone to court, it would have cost 300 dirham (and nothing for the policeman) so the solution was acceptable to both parties. I had a similar experience in Pagusa Springs, Colorado, so I conclude that there are many universal human concepts.
Back at the hotel with several thuya wood items, Nazy was suddenly coming to grips with a major challenge. There was, she said, only one thing to do..
“We need to buy another piece of luggage.”
“Won’t that attract attention of the customs agents in Zurich?” I asked.

Dan Boarding: Note bland extra luggage:

Dan and edelweiss
“I’ll find something nondescript.”
The vacation was really fun. Marrakech was exotic. (It reminded Nazy of Iran.) As we were sunbathing at the hotel, Nazy and I realized that this was the first extended vacation that we had taken by ourselves in 28 years. We had had a few concerns about security before we left. Although we always felt safe in the city, all the major hotels had several military people patrolling the gate. There was even a guard on each floor of the hotel. But, even though both Nazy and I set off the alarm at the metal detector, the guards simply waved us through.
Walking past the guards at the customs station in Zurich was easy. But I was thinking of my Jellaba and I, Obi-Dan Kenobi, used ‘the force’.
Back home, Nazy asked me about the coming week.
“Well, dear, I leave for Amsterdam on Monday.”
“You don’t want to go there.